120 Members of Congress Write Letters of Support for CAIR

Recent news reveals that 120 members of Congress sent letters of support congratulating the "Council of American Islamic Relations" (CAIR) for their 25th anniversary in Nov. of 2019.  CAIR is a Muslim Brotherhood Front organization that has been operating in American for 25 years with the intention of trying to legally bring Sharia Law into the country.  Moreover, there is strong evidence to show that CAIR has been offering financial support to terrorist groups across the world.  

CAIR was labeled as an "un-indicted co-conspirator" in the Holy Land Foundation Trial of 2007 for financing the terrorist organization Hamas.  This should not be considered a surprise as many of CAIR's founders were also leading members of the "Islamic Association of Palestine" (IAP), which is a Hamas-affiliated anti-Semitic Propaganda machine.  CAIR founders such as Nihad Awad have openly supported Hamas, a terrorist organization whose charter openly vows to annihilate the Jewish State of Israel.  

In 2009 the FBI severed ties with CAIR as they viewed them not to be an "appropriate liaison partner."  In 2014 the United Arab Emirates officially designated CAIR and other Muslim Brotherhood affiliates as a "terrorist organization."  This designation is not unwarranted as there a a number of individuals who serve as CAIR officials that are now sitting in prison on Terrorism Charges.  

Such officials include Ghassan Elasi, a founding board member of CAIR-Texas who is now serving 65 years for conspiracy, money laundering, as supplying supplies and funds to Syria & Libya (both considered state-sponsors of terrorism) and Hamas.  Abdurahman Alamoudi, the director of CAIR-Northern Virginia was sentenced to 23 years in prison in October of 2004 for illegally supporting terrorist activities in Libya.  Randall Todd Royer served as a communications specialist and civil rights director for CAIR was convicted in Jan. 2004 for training with Lashkar-I-Taiba, an al-Qaeda terrorist organization in Kashmir as well as conspiring to help al-Qaeda and the Taliban in their war against the United States in Afghanistan.  He was sentenced to 20 years in prison.  

Numerous Muslim peace activists have also called for CAIR to be placed under scrutiny the the United States Government.  Sufi Muslim journalist Stephen Schwartz stated the following about  CAIR:  "CAIR Claims to be a civil liberties organization, but it’s actually a front for Hamas and exists to spread Islamic ideology while continually painting the Muslims as being victimized here in the U.S.  There’s no question that they’re a radical group."

Qasim Rashid, and Ahmadi-Muslim human rights activist from Pakistan identified Pakistan's Jamaat-e-Islami Party as the "KKK" of Pakistan and that terrorist groups like the Taliban and al-Qaeda are offshoots of this party.  He also went on to state that the ideology followed by this party is the same ideology embraced by the Muslim Brotherhood and its front organizations, including CAIR.  

With this organization being subject to so much scrutiny at home and abroad and former high-ranking individuals sitting in prison on terrorist convictions, it's nothing short of appalling that so many Congressmen would send letters of support for this organization.  Could you imagine the reaction if members of Congress would send letters of support to the National Policy Institute offering congratulations for their 25th anniversary?  

For those who are unaware, the National Policy Institute is a White-Supremacist think-tank organization that was founded in 2005 by the infamous Neo-Nazi leader Richard Spencer.  The media and the public would be outraged if such a thing happened, yet why are they silent when Congress sends letters to an organization that has been labeled by activists, law enforcement agencies, and foreign nations as being a radical Jihadist-funding terrorist group?


"Abdurahman Alamoudi Sentenced to Jail in Terrorism Financing Case."  Department of Justice.  Oct. 15, 2004.  Accessed from https://www.justice.gov/archive/opa/pr/2004/October/04_crm_698.htm.

Darwish, Nonie.  Now They Call Me Infidel: Why I Renounced Jihad for America, Israel, and the War on Terror.  New York: Penguin Group, 2006.

Emerson, Steve.  "Some CAIR Officials Convicted of Crimes, More Tied to Extremist Groups."  The Investigative Project on Terrorism."  March 26, 2008.  Accessed from https://www.investigativeproject.org/624/some-cair-officials-convicted-of-crimes.

Gabriel, Brigitte.  Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America.  New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2006.

Gabriel, Brigitte.  They Must be Stopped.  New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2006.

"Here's a List of 120+ Members of Congress Supporting CAIR."  The Clarion Project.  Jan. 21st, 2020.  Accessed from https://clarionproject.org/heres-the-list-of-120-members-of-congress-supporting-cair/.

Kampeas, Ron.  "Holy Land Founders Get Life Sentences."  Jewish Telegraph Agency.  May 28, 2009.  Accessed from https://www.jta.org/2009/05/28/united-states/holy-land-founders-get-life-sentences#When:10:32:00Z.

King, Jeff.  Islam Uncensored.  Washington D.C.: International Christian Concern, 2011.

Kredo, Adam.  "More Than 120 Members of Congress Issue Letters of Support to Leading Anti-Israel Group."  The Washington Free Beacon.  January 16, 2020.  Accessed from https://freebeacon.com/issues/more-than-120-members-of-congress-issue-letters-of-support-to-leading-anti-israel-group/.

"Randall Todd Royer and Ibrahim Ahmed Al-Hamdi Sentenced For Participation in Virginia Jihad Network."  Department of Justice.  April 09, 2004.  Accessed from https://www.justice.gov/archive/opa/pr/2004/April/04_crm_225.htm.  


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