Iranian Women Martyred for Liberty

In the fall and winter of 2019, the Iranian people once again took to the streets, demanding their Liberty and Freedom from the repressive Iranian regime.  Their brave defiance of this evil regime has come with a heavy price.  The National Council of Resistance in Iran reported that during the recent uprising, over 450 Iranian protesters were slain by Iranian security forces.  One such victim was Nikta Esfandani, a 14-year-old girl who was shot in the head by security forces while she was demonstrating for the liberty of her people (Link to Article).

Mary Mohammadi: Imprisoned Iranian Christian Convert
Unfortunately, those protesters who courageously gave their lives for the cause of liberty are not the only ones who suffer for their courage.  Throughout the country thousands of protesters and dissidents were rounded up by Iranian security police and sent to prison.  Among the victims was 21-year-old Mary Mohammadi, an Iranian convert to Christianity.  Open Doors reported that Mary, who was arrested by the regime on Jan. 12, 2020, is now being held with 2,000 other women prisoners in the overcrowded Qarchak Prison.  Political Prisoners are often held here and forced to live under horrific conditions.  A year earlier, the Human Rights Activists News Agency published a detailed report ranking Qarchak as one of the worst prisons in Iran.  Human rights activists reported that since her incarceration Mary has been denied food for up to 24 hours on multiple occasions and has been beaten and sexually harassed by a number of male guards (Link to Article).

Iranian Activist Masih Alinejad with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

This is what the Iranian people have to endure under this tyranny.  However, many of these activists are not surprised by the persecution that they endure.  They expect it, and they're prepared to stand in defiance of it.  It's the indifference from the West that astounds them.  Iranian women's rights activist Masih Alinejad has openly condemned Western leaders and Leftists Feminists who have responded to the oppression of Iranian women with indifference and compliance (Link to Article).  As it stands, Amnesty International has reported that Masih's family members in Iran have been subject to ongoing harassment and arrests by the Iranian regime due to Masih's refusal to be silent on their tyranny.  Dr. King once stated that "There comes a time when Silence is Betrayal."  It seems to me that the silence of the West is a reflection of Dr. King's words.  For too long the Iranian people have been alone in this fight.  It's time for the West to stop being silent, and to stand beside them in their fight for Liberty and Freedom.


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