The "New Way Forward" Will Take Our Nation Backward

In a world where war, terrorism, drug trafficking, and human trafficking is the norm, one would think that national leaders would understand that border security and stemming the flow of illegal immigration would be necessary for our countries survival.  Yet as it stands, 44 Democratic members of Congress aren't interested in our nation's survival, they're interested in its destruction.  These Democratic members of Congress support the "New Way Forward Act," which essentially decriminalizes illegal immigration, opens our borders, and puts our Law Enforcement officers in chains.  

Though the text of the bill can viewed here: H.R. 5383, The Center for Immigration Studies took the liberty of revealing stunning facts about what the "New Way Forward Act" would do to our immigration system:
  • It would all but eliminate detention for immigration purposes, and impose new burdens on our already overtaxed immigration courts.
  • It would place onerous restrictions on ICE officers and Border Patrol agents in making immigration arrests — including in desolate areas of the border in the middle of the night.
  • It would require those officers and agents to justify every arrest of an alien without a warrant before an immigration judge, straining to the point of elimination DHS's limited immigration-enforcement resources.
  • It would create a "statute of limitations" of five years for the commencement of removal proceedings based on even the most serious criminal offenses.
  • It would limit the criminal grounds of removal so significantly that only the most extreme offenses would render criminal aliens removable. 
  • It would make the amendments to the criminal grounds of removal and relief retroactive, so that even criminal aliens who have been removed from the United States, but who would not have been removable had that law been in effect, could apply to have their cases reopened or reconsidered. Immigration judges and the Board of Immigration Appeals would have no discretion not to reopen or reconsider those cases.
  • It would require DHS to pay to fly those criminal aliens who have been removed and who would be eligible for reopening or reconsideration back to the United States — which would result in dangerous criminal aliens being returned at taxpayer expense back to this country to commit more crimes.
  • It would prevent state and local law enforcement from assisting ICE and CBP in immigration enforcement in any way, and bar the inclusion of immigration-related information into the NCIC database or its incorporated criminal history databases. This would essentially make every jurisdiction in the United States a "sanctuary city". As a result, ICE officers would have to risk their own safety and the safety of the community as a whole to arrest dangerous criminal aliens at their homes or in public places.
  • It would repeal the criminal grounds of illegal entry and reentry into the United States, encouraging fraud, enriching smugglers, traffickers, and criminal cartels, and endangering the national security and the community.
What this bill is proposing is not only a logistical impossibility, it would be a disastrous policy for the American people.  As it stands, there are already nearly 600,000 fugitive aliens in the U.S.  These are criminals who are illegal immigrants and have been issued a "Final order" by the U.S. courts for deportation.  Yet with resources as thin as they are, they have not yet been deported.  They still live here and pose a dire threat to public safety.  Just last year, ICE only removed 143,000 aliens last year, of that number 86% had criminal convictions.  These numbers also don't take into account the millions of illegal immigrants in our nation who are not designated as "fugitive aliens."  

Thus, this bill would not only make it even more difficult to deport these dangerous illegal aliens, but it would allow those criminals who have been deported to come back to America to appeal their case!  

As it stands, this bill is happening in the dark.  It's not being taken onto the floor of Congress for open debate, it has not be brought to the American people for their input, and critics of the bill who have asked those who sponsor it to come forward on their networks and justify their support have been shunned by those members of Congress who support the bill.  I think it's time that this changes.  Our Congressional Representatives work for us, and before voting in favor of a bill that would have devastating ramifications for our nation, they should first take it to the people and see what it is that the people want.  Those who wish to defend this disastrous bill by claiming "We're a nation of immigrants" fail to understand the truth, which is that we are a nation of "citizens" who accept immigrants who also desire to become "citizens."  We are a nation who believes in protecting people from criminals, not a nation where we shield criminals from justice.  

What is most ironic is that many in America know these facts.  Senator and Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders stated during his 2016 Presidential Campaign that he openly opposed Open Borders, warning that: "This essentially says that there is no United States" and that such an extreme measure "Would make everybody in America Poorer."  Now however, Sanders and many others are bowing down to the pressure of the "Far Left Woke Movement" that essentially desires for "the end of America."  The sad truth is this: The Far Left's main agenda is the end of America, the collapse of Western Civilization, and the dismantling of the Constitution.  Should this bill be passed, the Far Left's agenda will ultimately become reality.  



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