Pakistan Denies Christian Families Aid During COVID-19 Crisis.

As of now, there are over 2300 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Pakistan with at least 31 documented deaths.  Unfortunately, this is not the only thing that man Pakistanis must worry about.  Over the past week, reports have been coming in from Karachi that NGOs operating in the city of Karachi were refusing to provide food and aid to Christians and other members of minority faith groups.  Only Muslims were being granted aid.  Farooq Masih, a Christian man from Karachi's Korongi District testified that members of the Saylani Welfare International Trust handed out food vouchers in the area, but when they go to Christian homes, they moved on.  This angered many in the city, non-Muslim and Muslim alike.  A Muslim resident of Karachi by the name of Adnan stated: "Why did they NGO discriminate against Christians?  Are they not Pakistani Citizens?  We are all suffering from COVID-19."  

Sadly, this was not an isolated incident.  In the Shre-Shah District in the city of Lahore, an announcement was made over the loudspeakers pf a local mosque in the beginning of April for citizens to come and collect government announced foodstuffs.  However, when Christians came, they were turned away and told that the government support was for Muslims only.  A local pastor who was interviewed by the International Christian Concern reported that Christians throughout the the city were denied aid.  On April 5, over a 100 Christian families from the Sandha Kalan village in the Kasur district were also denied food aid.  Shahakeel Ahmed, a local Muslim human rights activist openly protested this, but the Sheikh Abdul Haleem Hamid, the local cleric in charge of the distribution, decided that the food aid was for Muslims only and refused to change his mind.  

Ever since the outbreak of the virus, Pakistan has been on total lock-down.  Before the epidemic, 45% of the population already lived below the poverty line and relied on their daily labor to live from day to day.  Reports have revealed that due to the lockdown, people cannot perform their daily labor, and that as a result, starvation is already starting to set in.  Many of these daily laborers are members of religious minorities, and if they are denied government and NGO aid, it could ultimately kill them.  


Ascough, Katie.  "Christians Denied Food Aid in Pakistan."  CatholicIreland.Net.  April 03, 2020.  Accessed from

"Over 100 Christian Families Denied Food Aid Amid COVID-19 Crisis in Pakistan."  International Christian Concern.  April 07, 2020.  Accessed from

Pontifex, John.  "Pakistan: Christians Denied Food Aid During COVID-19 Crisis."  Independent Catholic News.  April 03, 2020.  Accessed from

"Pakistani Christian Leaders Report Another Incident of Aid Being Denied to Christians."  International Christian Concern.  April 03, 2020.  Accessed from


  1. it is very good article, I second. that many cases are exposed that during distribution of foodstuffs due to lockdwon in Pakistan, conservator Muslims are not distribute foodstuffs among Christian. It is not good sign. All poor and needy people who earn daily there food for their children are job less. so in this critical situation, where from they have to get food for their families. I also received a video, in that video Christian womens are saying that when we went to got food for our families and Muslim distribute forced us to embrace Islam first then i gave you food package. it is very sad incident, I strongly condemned it . Here State is responsible, coz government is elected with the vote of Christians also, So State should care of his Minorities also. During lockdown due to COVID-19 all are victim Rich or Poor, But poor have no money to buy food for their families. I pray for all Poor and needy Christian that God provide His help with His Mighty Hands. Amen

  2. This PM is a we educated man Lived in London reap the benifets their Now what a shame to his OWN ppl country .


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