Terrorist Takes Advantage of Chaos: Attacks NYPD Officers

Twenty-year-old Bosnian immigrant Dzenan Camovic took advantage of the protests against George Floyd's death to carry out a stabbing attack on NYPD officers.  During a demonstration in Brooklyn, Dzenan walked up to a group police officers, plunged a knife into the officers neck, then seized control of his gun and used to to wound two other officers.  Many media sources reporting on this attack are reluctant to identify what the motive of the attack was.  However, while he was attacking the officers Dzenan shoutled "Allahu Akbar!" three times.  This is the Jihadist war cry, so it's quite clear what Dzenan's motives are.  

These kinds of stabbing attacks are not uncommon.  In fact, terrorist groups like ISIS even make online videos instructing on how and where a terrorist should stab their victim.  The neck is always a popular target, but luckily in this case Dzenan missed the officers vital arteries and nobody was killed.  John Miller, the NYPD deputy commissioner of counter-terrorism issued a statement that the attack had "all the hallmarks that would be out of the terrorist playbook."  Dzenan faces three attempted murder charges, and if convicted, will like spend many years behind bars.  However, this attack needs to put police officers all over the nation on alert.  Terrorists are known to take advantage of chaotic situations to launch attacks, and with ongoing protests, looting, and calls by many of police de-funding, the stage is ripe for more attacks of this nature.


Court, Andrew.  "All the Hallmarks out f the Terrorist Playbook: Shocking Moment New Yorker, 20, Stabs a Police Officer and Shoots two others While Yelling out 'Allahu Akbar' before being Subdued and Arrested."  Daily Mail.  June 07, 2020.  Accessed from https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8395893/Shocking-moment-New-Yorker-20-yells-Allahu-Akbar-stabs-shoots-NYPD-officers.html.  

Morales, Mark, Shimon Prokupecz, Rob Frehse, Elizabeth Joseph, and Brynn Gingras.  "Attack on NYPD Officers being Investigated as Possible Act of Terrorism, Source Says."  CNN.  June 06, 2020.  Accessed from  https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/04/us/nypd-officers-attack/index.html.


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