How Neo Nazis Deceive & Indoctrinate People to Their Cause

When one things of Neo Nazis, the image that often comes to mind are White men with shaved heads and Swastikas covering their bodies who enjoy beating up ethnic minorities & engage in the drug trade to finance their hate.  They think of the Aryan Brotherhood, a notorious White Supremacist Prison Gang that engages in numerous illegal activities to support their cause.

Such activities include murder, robbery, gun & human trafficking, drug trade, etc.  While that may be the visual image that they portray, the reality is that they actions are much more subtle and manipulative than many of us imagine.  The reality is that many Neo Nazi leaders, both past and present, are not the short-tempered, drug dealing skinheads that we picture.  In truth, they're polished individuals who have mastered the art of manipulation, indoctrination, and double-talk.  Many are in fact well-educated individuals who use their education to advance their hateful agenda.  

Consider Richard Spencer.  Mr. Spencer, who is in his early 40's, is a top leader in the current American Nazi movement, but he does not portray what we think of when we think "Neo Nazi."  Mr. Spencer in fact is a well-educated man with both a Bachelor's & Masters Degree and for a time was a candidate for a PhD at Duke University.  He dresses like any politician or attorney that we see on the street and is the founder and President of the National Policy Institute, a White Supremacist Lobbying organization based in Arlington, VA.  They raise their funds legally (Mostly online) and at present, are not known to be linked to illegal means of fundraising (Ex. drug dealing).  They in truth act like any other lobbying organization and often link to divisive political causes (Ex. immigration control) in order to try and further their true agenda, which is the re-segregation of America.  

Richard Spencer, Peter Brimelow, Michael Hart, Kevin MacDonald, & Richard Bulter

Other White Supremacist leaders like Peter Brimelow are well-known writers and columnists.  Longtime White Separatist Michael H. Hart has a PhD from Princeton and is a best-selling author.  Kevin MacDonald is a retired psychologist who received his PhD from the University of Connecticut and for a time was a professor at California State University.  Even Richard Butler, the founder of the Aryan Nations, was an aerospace engineer.  

Neo Nazi leaders are often very cunning when promoting their hateful agenda.  Some, like James Taylor, claim that they're more about protecting "white culture" and advancing their own ethnic and racial interests.  Essentially claiming to simply be a "Civil Rights" group for "White People."  When accused of Nazism, they skillfully state that they simply advocate "racial separation" and cultural pride, often defending themselves by stating that other organizations formed by other minority groups in America (Ex. Black Hebrew Israelite's & Nation of Islam leaders) are known advocate for the same thing.  Former Neo Nazi leader and recruiter TJ Leyden knows these tactics all too well.  

As a former Neo Nazi, TJ knew all too well the art of blaming illegal immigrants, Zionist controlled media, as well as minorities and White "Race Traitors" for all the ills affecting their nation.  When TJ was a young kid, he was just like many angry, rebellious teens who came from broken homes.  They were angry at society, saw drinking and fighting as their way of lashing back, and deep down, sought a sense of belonging.  This is how TJ ultimately fell in with the Skinhead gang known back in the 80's as American Firm. They professed to be patriotic, all about protecting the nation, but in reality, were about hating Jews, minorities, and race traitors."  

As time went on, TJ became indoctrinated into the violence of the Skinheads.  Stabbings, drive-by attacks, and beatings became the norm and by 1987, TJ had become a fully-indoctrinated Skinhead.  He became a genuine believer in the hate they preached.  TJ joined the marines a year later in order to escape prison, and became even more indoctrinated during his time in the service.  In truth, TJ's time in the marines actually helped solidify his hateful beliefs.  He used the "break down & indoctrination" tactics used by the marines to train their recruits to train and indoctrinate youth who were lured into the Skinhead movement.  He became a master manipulator and turned their own beliefs against them by telling opponents of White Pride that they were no different from Black Pride, Filipino Price, & Latino Pride.  He pointed out clear examples of Blacks, Cubans, & Latinos who, like him, advocated racial separation.  TJ learned the art of designing flyers, producing music, and even organizing Aryan festivals and using them as effective tools of indoctrination.  

TJ learned how Neo Nazi warriors became planted everywhere, learning how they were lawyers, professors, and electricians: intelligent people, not the drug dealing skinheads that his so often the stereotypical images of the modern Neo Nazi movement.  He even met Buford Furrow, a fellow Neo Nazi who later attacked a Jewish Community Center in LA on August 10, 1999.  The attack killed one and wounded five others.  Furrow was sentenced to Life without Parole.  Overtime, TJ began to grow disenchanted with the violence.  He refused to participate in the drug trade which led to division withing the Skinhead movement.  He gradually realized that much of the propaganda spewed by Neo Nazi leaders was rooted in baseless hate, not fact.  When he asked at a 1996 conference what they would do if they killed off all the Jews, Hispanics, & Blacks, other Skinheads began stating that they'd target people of other religions, or their hair color, or perhaps their eye color.  He finally realized that this movement wasn't about protecting American, White Culture, or promoting White Pride, it was only about hate.  In April of 1996, TJ left the movement.  Ever since leaving the movement, TJ has dedicated himself to fighting against it.  He worked for numerous anti-hate organizations such as the Museum of Tolerance in LA.  He has worked as a consultant for the police in fighting hate groups and even assisted the U.S. military in identifying and combating the infiltration of Skinheads & other hate groups.  

TJ very clearly illustrates how these Neo Nazi leaders and recruiters are smart and manipulative not only because he was wooed by them, but because he eventually became one of them.  They know who to milk the welfare system to their advantage.  They know how to cloak their activism as charity.  They know how to raise funds and propagate their messages online.  They know how to disguise their hate as "Pride" and "Political Agenda."  They feed on dividing issues and use it to gain support for their cause.  They know who to use music and pornography to seduce the young, and most of all, they know how to target the vulnerable both in the streets & prisons.  

Prisons are full of vulnerable people and are ripe for recruitment & indoctrination.  One must remember that the Aryan Brotherhood began as a Prison Gang, and are now a highly sophisticated criminal element that with tens of thousands of members both in and out of jail.  We are making a mistake when we simply identify Neo Nazis as "hateful drug dealers."  They're much more than that.  They're organized, they're smart, and they operate everywhere.  In the 1940's, those who followed the Nazi agenda ultimately plunged Europe into the worst armed conflict that the continent had ever known, but the Nazi movement, the ideology, did not die with Hitler.  It is very much alive and active in the world, and we cannot ignore it.  

The Nazi leaders of the world are still recruiting, still indoctrinating, 
and still driving their followers to kill, just as they did in the 1930's, and anybody can fall into their grasp.  However, for all the harm he did, TJ illustrates to us several important things.  One is that people can change.  They can turn away from that hate they've been deceived into following.  Equally important, TJ and others who are experts in the Neo Nazi movement can expose their tactics, make people aware of how they operate, and what we can do to counter their deceptive an manipulative tactics.  

We don't want any more Buford Furrow's to come about, and the best way to do so is to expose the tactics of the Neo Nazi movement so others do not follow the road of hate that TJ Leyden and so many others fell onto.  


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