Ebay Submits to Shariah Law

Ebay has now enacted a new policy in which items deemed "offensive to Muslims" will not be allowed on Ebay.  Some want to say that Ebay is trying to promote "religious tolerance."  However, Ebay is in truth submitting to Shariah Law.  How is this?  We there are three major factors we need to consider.

Fact #1: Ebay has no official policy in its bylaws about "not offending Muslims."  When an item is put up for bidding on Ebay and somebody bids on that item, than the bidder has entered into a contract with the seller.  Unless this contract is violating a written policy, then Ebay has no authority to interfere with that policy.  Already items that have been put up on Ebay for bidding have been shut down for "offending Muslims" even though there is no official policy in the Ebay bylaws forbidding this.  Thus Ebay is illegally breaking a contract between two other parties.  

Fact #2: Ebay will not be able to clearly define what is "offensive" and what is "not offensive."  Certainly some things can be clear, such as a T-shirt of a burning Qur'an or a pages of a Qur'an soaked in pigs blood.  However, other things are not so clear, such as an ex-Muslim's book detailing about why he left Islam in pursuit of another faith, or a documentary detailing human rights abuses in the Islamic world.  Some Muslims find things like this offensive (such as when the Council of American Islamic Relations [CAIR] tried to ban the showing of the documentary Honor Diaries, which detailed the suffering of Muslim women under Shariah Law) whereas other Muslims don't find this offensive and believe Islam should be allowed to be subjected to educated scrutiny and that human rights abuses need to be exposed regardless of what country they're in.

Fact #3: Ebay has no problem put items up that would be considered "offensive to Christians."  Ebay is full of  T-shirts that show images of people throwing the Bible into the garbage, of Jesus with 666 tattooed on him, or pictures of a boot stomping on a crucifix.  So why the double standard?  Ebay, like so many others has catered to Shariah Intolerance and Political Correctness.  Like Patreon, Twitter, and other online super-giants, Ebay is facing lawsuits for breaching contracts and violating free speech.  Let us hope that these lawsuits succeed.  

Shariah is threatening free speech not only in the U.S., but all over the world.  Many people, Muslim and non-Muslim alike have fled from Islamic nations because Shariah Laws stripped away free speech, leading to much unjust persecution.  Now, this same intolerance that many fled to America to escape, is following them here.  


  1. Not true. Pork products are still available. Search for spam or ham pork.

    1. You are not reading the whole article. I point out that there is no clear indication about what qualifies as being "offensive" and what does. It's one of the many problems with this.


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