Death of Samuel Paty Exposes Hypocrisy of Many Nations

On October 16, 2020, French school teacher Samuel Paty was murdered by an 18-year-old Jihadist terrorist for showing cartoon images of Muhammad, the founder of the Islamic faith, while giving a lesson about freedom of speech.  The French President Macron responded with an act of defiance, vowing to stand for Freedom of Speech and showing images Mr. Paty and Muhammad cartoons on French government buildings.  Islamic leaders all over the world expressed outrage toward Macron's actions and began calling for a boycott of France (Link to Video).

These leaders are not only demanding a boycott, but are also calling for the complete banning of any kind of criticism of Islam whether in public or on social media.  The reaction of these nations is complete and utter hypocrisy.  Turkey's Islamist President responded to Macron's action by openly stating that Macron needed a mental check and accuses other "Fascist European leaders" of spread "Islamophobia."  

This is true hypocrisy on Erdogan's part.  This tyrant has ordered the imprisonment of hundreds of journalists, increased the repression of religious minorities in his country, commanded that the Hagia Sophia to be  reconverted into a Mosque, and helped facilitate the travel of Jihadist fighters through his country to join Azerbaijani forces in attacking the Christian nation of Armenia.  Imran Khan, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, personally sent a letter to Mark Zuckerberg, demanding that Facebook ban "Islamaphobia."  This is the same Prime Minister who enforces the nations draconian blasphemy laws that have led to many Pakistanis being unjustly imprisoned and murdered.  People like Asia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian woman who spent over 8 years on death row for "blasphemy," and Mashal Khan, a Muslim College Student who was lynched when one of his social media posts was accused of being "blasphemous."  

What is perhaps the greatest hypocrisy of all is that while these same leaders slam Macron and other Europeans for standing up for "Free Speech," they ignore the actual suffering of Muslims in other nations.  Nations such as China, which has ordered the imprisonment of 1-3 million Uyghur Muslims in "reeducation camps."  Why haven't Turkish and Pakistani leaders condemned this?  What haven't nations like Kuwait called for a "boycott" of China over this despicable crime against humanity?   

All of this proves that the leaders of many of these Islamic nations are failing to discern what is truly important.  They must learn to understand that free speech is a fundamental human right, and this includes the right to criticize any ideology, faith-based or otherwise.  They must likewise learn that the sanctity of human life takes precedent over personal feelings.  Nobody has the right to take the life of another over a difference of opinion.  


"France Recalls Turkey Envoy After Erdogan Says Macron Needs 'Mental Check."  BBC.  Oct. 25, 2020.  Accessed from

Kirby, Jen.  "Concentration Camps and Forced Labor: China's Repression of the Uighur's Explained."  Vox.  Sept. 25, 2020.  Accessed from

"Muslim World Condemns Macron, France, Over Treatment of Islam"  AlJazeera.  Oct. 26, 2020.  Accessed from

Salem, Mostafa, et al.  "Calls to Boycott French Products Grow in Muslim World after Macron back Muhammad Cartoon."  Oct. 26, 2020.  Accessed from


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