Ex Planned Parenthood Employee Exposes the Organization's Corruption

Mayra Rodriguez, an Arizona native, was an employee for Planned Parenthood for 17 years.  A strong advocate for women's heath, Mayra was a novel employee and for a time, managed several Planned Parenthood offices.  However, when assigned to managed the Glendale Abortion clinic, Mayra began to learn a terrible truth.  The truth being that this abortion giant cares about abortions above everything else, including the well-being of their patients.  

For many years, Planned Parenthood promotes the lie that abortion only represents 3% of its business.  After years of working in Planned Parenthood, Mayra was stunned to not only learn about this terrible lie, but also discovered that the company routinely engaged in unsafe abortion practices while working hard to cover it up.  When Mayra, who had been named "Employee of the Year" in 2016, Mayra began to openly voice concern about Planned Parenthood's safety procedures. Mayra noticed that the patients of one particular abortion doctor that she worked with were continually being hospitalized after they underwent their abortions.  This particular doctor had a tendency of leaving partially aborted baby parts inside the mother's womb.  Incomplete abortions like this can lead to serious infection, sepsis, even septic shock.  

This was not the only corrupt practice that Mayra observed.  She noticed, as did many other whistle blowers, that on multiple occasions that Planned Parenthood failed to notify the authorities of performing abortions on underage girls who had male sexual partners, despite the fact that it was state law to do so.   Instead of taking her concerns under consideration, Mayra was fired.  Later, Planned Parenthood had to pay her $3 million to Mayra to settle wrongful termination lawsuits.  

To say that Mayra felt betrayed by Planned Parenthood would be an understatement.  She had given 17 years of dedicated service to the organization, yet it was her passion for protecting the health of fellow women that led to her termination.  After her termination, Mayra reached the inescapable conclusion that Parenthood will go to any length to protect its abortion business, even if it means that women end up in the hospital, or worse.  Now Mayra is returning to the Planned Parenthood clinics, but this time, as a member of 40 Days for Life so she can tell people the truth about what Planned Parenthood realize is: an abortion factory, and not a women's health clinic.  


Burke, Denise.  "Planned Parenthood Cares About Abortion Over All, Even Patient's Health."  USA Today.  Sept. 04, 2019.  Accessed from https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2019/09/04/planned-parenthood-whistleblower-lawsuit-abortion-choice-rights-column/2208047001/.

Castle, Lauren.  "Former Planned Parenthood Arizona Employee Awarded $3 Million Over Wrongful Termination."  AZCentral.  Aug. 19, 2019.  Accessed from  https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona/2019/08/19/ex-planned-parenthood-employee-mayra-rodriguez-awarded-3-m-jury-wrongful-termination/2051782001/

Kay, Elle.  "Planned Parenthood Whistleblower Returns to Former Workplace...but this Time She's Praying There."  Live Action.  March 02, 2020.  Accessed from  https://www.liveaction.org/news/planned-parenthood-whistleblower-returns-former-workplace-time-shes-praying/

Raymer, Brittany.  "Planned Parenthood Forced to Pay Whistleblower $3 Million for Wrongful Termination."  The Daily Citizen.  


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