Ahmadi Muslim Persecution Continues Worldwide

The Ahmadiyya Sect of Islam, established in 1889 in the Punjab district of India, has faced ongoing persecution Jihadists ever since its inception, and it shows no signs of ending.  Many mainstream Sunni and Shiite Muslims view the Ahamdis as "apostates" and do not consider them to be "true Muslims."  In fact, some Islamic nations such as Pakistan have made it illegal for Ahamdis to identify themselves as being Muslims.  Over the past 100 years, thousands of Ahamdis have been murdered in pogroms and Jihadist attacks all over the world, with no end sight.  

In the nation of Pakistan, Tahir Naseem, a Muslim man who converted to the Ahmadiyya sect was arrested for "blasphemy" and was then shot to death by a Jihadist in the courtroom.  The killer justified this by stating "Muhammad commanded me to do it."  This "command" goes by to Islamic jurisprudence under Sharia Law which commands "Death for Apostates."  This means that any Muslim who leaves Islam for another faith must be put to death, as mandated under Sharia:

Sahih Bukhari (52:260) "...The Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.' " 

al-Muwatta of Imam Malik (36.18.15) "The Messenger of Allah said, "If someone changes his religion - then strike off his head."

Reliance of the Traveler (Islamic Law) 08.1 - "When a person who has reached puberty and is sane voluntarily apostatizes from Islam, he deserves to be killed."

As Ahmadis are widely considered to be "Kafir" (Derogatory term for non-Muslim), any Muslim who converts to the Ahamdi faith faces death for apostasy.  This murder was far from an isolated event.  On Nov. 20th, 31-year-old Dr. Tahir Mahmood, who lived in the Nankana Sahib district, was murdered in his home by a teenager simply because he was an Ahmadi (Link to Article).  In Peshawar, a 61-year-old Ahamdi by the name of Meraj Ahmed was shot to death while he was closing up his store (Link to Article).  Sadly, the Pakistani government has not only failed to stop this persecution, they have actually encouraged it.  The police have constantly subjected Ahmadis to arrest and harassment on charges of "blasphemy" and the murder of Ahmadis often goes unpunished.  

Even in death, Ahamdis are still subject to degradation.  Recently, the body of a three-day-old Ahmadi infant was dug from a Muslim grave in Bangladesh and left on the rode as those who dug up her body felt she was unworthy to be buried in a Muslim cemetery due to the fact that she's an Ahmadi.  Today there are approximately 100,000 Ahmadi Muslim living in Bangladesh, and they are subject to constant attack and harassment (Link to Bangladesh Article).


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