Indonesian Jihadists Massacre Four Christians In Sulawesi

In yet another Jihadist attack, militants killed four Christians on the Indonesian Island of Sulawesi.  The attack was carried out by the East Indonesia Mujahideen (MIT), a Jihadist terrorist group in Indonesia that pledged allegiance to ISIS.  The MID Jihadists attacked the village in the early morning while most were eating breakfast with their families.  One of the victims was a man named Yasa, who was eating breakfast with his wife, Nei.  The militants stormed into Yasa's home, tied him up, and dragged him and his wife outside.  The militants then decapitated Yasa with a machete while his wife was forced to stand by and watch.  Two other victims, Naka and his son Pei, were burned alive in their home, while a fourth victim, Pinu, was stabbed to death.  The Jihadists then burned down six homes,  one of which was used for regular prayer meetings.  Yet for reasoning that can only be described as bizarre, Al Jazeera reports that the Indonesian police are insisting that this attack was not "religiously motivated."  

It is a know fact that ISIS and their Jihadist allies deliberately single out members of non-Islamic faiths for attack all over the world.  Whether it's the Coptic Christians in the Sinai, the Christians in Nigeria, or the Yazidis in Iraq.  Jihadist groups from Morocco to Indonesia have declared it "open season" on all religious minorities in their domain.  Sadly, this region of Indonesia has faced religious based violence in the past.  Tension between the Christians and Muslim communities rose in 1999 leading to widespread pogroms breaking out.  By 2005, the death count had reached 2000 as a result of this violence.  Many fear that this new attack could reignite the conflict in the region.  

Link to Video

Link to Al Jazeera Article

Link to ICC Article


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