Former Professional Boxer Kabary Salem Charged with Killing Daughter

Kabary Salem, known in the boxing world as the "Egyptian Magician" was recently arrested and charged with murdering his daughter Ola Salem, in Oct. of 2019.  Authorities believe that Kadbary strangled his daughter to death in Pennsylvania and then dumped her body in Staten Island, NY.  Authorities recent apprehended Kabary in Kuwait, where he was extradited back to the United States to stand trial. 

Kabary was once a very successful boxer, competing in the 1992 and 1996 Olympics.  However, his career was fraught with controversy.  He was notorious for head-butting his opponents and once killed another boxer in the ring.  When his daughter was found murdered, Kabary told investigators and the press that his daughter informed him that she "was being trailed on the highway."  It seemed that Kabary wanted to make investigators believe that she was victim of a crazed stalker.  However, he was immediately considered a suspect, and his attempt to flee to Kuwait strongly implies that he is indeed guilty.  

The evidence strongly implies that Kabary murdered his daughter in an honor killing.  In Arab-Islamic Culture, a family's respect and position within the Islamic community is dependent on the family's honor.  The honor is the sole responsibility of the family, who are taught from childhood the consequences of their behavior.  It is ingrained that the woman is the property of the man, whther her father, husband, or brother.  Shame is linked to every aspect of the woman's behavior: her dress code, social behavior, head covering, obedience, and many other things.  If it is decided that the woman has shamed the family in anyway, then she must be killed due to her soiling the family's honor.  Kabary's daughter Ola, who had a strained relationship with her husband, was a long-time advocate for Muslims women who suffered from domestic violence.  Ola volunteered at the Asiyah Women's Center and went out of her way to help Muslim women suffering from domestic abuse.  It appears that her opposition to this practice of honor/shame was seen as dishonorable in the eyes of her father, who then decided that he must take her life due her soiling his honor.  Sadly, this honor killing is not at all uncommon.  Thousands of Muslim women fall victim to Honor Killings worldwide, and in some nations, they're actually legalized.  There is a massive campaign to fight this practice, and we must continue this fight so more innocent Muslim women don't end up like Ola.  

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Link to Article #4


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