Journalist Ruhollah Zam Executed by Iranian Regime

Many Iranian dissidents have fled to nations all over the world, but even once out of Iran, they are not safe.  The execution of Ruhollah Zam is living proof of this.  A 47-year-old journalist, Ruhollah Zam fled from Iran and was granted asylum in the nation of France.  In 2017, Ruhollah published numerous articles voicing support for the Iranians who were publicly protesting the regime.  The protests saw over 5,000 dissdents arrested by the regime and at least 25 killed, though the actual number is likely higher.  

Ruhollah Zam fled his native country of Iran after the government launched a massive crackdown following the 2009 protests.  Ruhollah first fled to Malaysia, then was granted asylum in France.  Ever since fleeing, Ruhollah has pubicly spoken out against the Iranian regime.  Last year, Iranian authorities tricked Ruhollah into traveling to the neighboring country of Iraq, where Iranian forces abducted him and brought him back to Iran.  After a show trial, Ruhollah was executed by the regime.  His execution sparked international outcry by both world leaders and human rights organizations.  

Sadly, Ruhollah's case is not uncommon.  The Iranian regime has constantly imprisoned and executed political and religious dissidents.  Iranian-Canadian Journalist Mazair Bahar was himself imprisoned in Evin Prison for 118 days for reporting on the 2009 protests while visiting his family.  He was warned upon his release that the regime could find him and kill him anywhere in the world, and Ruhollah's execution is living proof the the regime can and will back up this threat.  The Iranian regime sentence Ruhollah to death for "spreading corruption on Earth."  This is a charge that the regime levels against any who oppose their rule.  

Part of this tragedy is that the execution for "corruption on Earth" is an acceptable punishment according to Islamic Jurisprudence.  Some try to claim that Qur'anic teachings condone this sort of action by citing Surah 5:32.  However, those who cite this are ignorant to the fact that the Qur'an specifically states that this verse applies to the Jewish People.

However, Surah 5:33 makes it very clear that those who seek to spread corruption in Islamic land can be executed for it.  In the eyes of the Jihadists, this encompasses a wide range of things: Apostasy from Islam, publicly preaching a non-Islamic faith, a Muslim woman who refuses to accept her status under Sharia, embracing non-Islamic values, or violating Sharia Law in any way at all.  In the eyes of the Iranian regime and other Middle East tyrants and Jihadists, any who try to undermine their beliefs and authority can be accused of "spreading corruption."  This is why Iranians who convert from Islam are often imprisoned, why dissident journalists like Ruhollah are executed, why girls like Malala Yousafzai are shot if they try and fight for the rights of women.  

If we are to truly honor brave individuals like Malala and Ruhollah, we must educate ourselves on the mindset of the Middle East Tyrants and Jihadists.  We must examine Islamic Teachings with an objectionable mind and determine, based on the examples and teachings set forth by Muhammad, the founder of Islam, whether or not these sinister individuals who ordered Ruhollah's execution are perverting the teachings of Islam, or if they're applying the teachings in the manner that Muhammad intended them to be followed.  


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