Samuel Paty's Killer Buried as a Hero

French School Teacher Samuel Paty was murdered by 18-year-old Abdullah Anzorov for showing images of Charlie Hebdo's cartoons of Muhammad, the founder of the Islamic faith, in his classroom while giving a lesson about free speech.  Abdullah Azorov's body was sent back to his native village in Chechnya where according to media sources (Link to Article), he was buried with honors.  Over 200 villagers attended his funeral, chanting "Allahu Akbar" (God is Great).  

A number of online platforms are praising Abdullah, dubbing him "The Lion of Islam" and the villagers have even unofficially named a street in his honor (Link to Video).  This is absolutely horrifying.  That a group of people would cherish and honor a murderer who killed an innocent man who was simply defending the importance of Free Speech.  Instead of condemning this, prominent Chechen leaders have come to the defense of those supporting Abdullah, and instead cast blame on French leaders for provoking Abduallah to murder Samuel Paty and stated that "Antagonizing Muslims Forces Them to Commit Crimes."  

This reaction should serve as a "wake-up call" to all those in the world who cherish Freedom and Liberty.  The fact that hundreds have turned out to honor Abdullah for his despicable act and that many more all over the world have openly praised this killer should make us realize that our freedom's are under direct threat, and we are doing nothing about it.  

The reason that the Nazis triumphed is because people chose to compromise.  They believed that if they gave up some of their rights, the Nazis would be appeased and would over time, relent.  However, the Nazis were not appeased.  They were emboldened.  Appeasement showed them that they could walk all over us, and we would do nothing to stop them.  By the time we finally realized that these people could not be compromised with, it was too late.  We cannot compromise our freedom, for if we do, not only will Samuel Paty's death be in vain, but more people like him will fall victim to these Jihadists, until the inevitable day that they take over and Free Speech ultimate meets the same fate as Samuel Paty.


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