“She Survived Communism – Are We Ready To Do So?”

Zuzana Janosova Den Boer survived Communism in Czechoslovakia and eventually fled to Canada to obtain the freedom that she long yearned for, but never had in the Eastern Bloc.  Now, years later, she finds that our freedoms are once again under threat, but this time it's not from the Communism of the Eastern Bloc, it's the Communism that's in the free nations of the West, though they may not be free much longer (Link to Article).  In the West today, Communism has infiltrated our society in the highest levels, and it has done so under the clever disguise of "environmentalism."

In March of 2007, former Czech President Vaclav Klaus stated "It becomes evident that, while discussing climate, we are not witnessing a clash of views about the environment, but a clash of views about human freedom."  He want on to state that in truth, environmentalism and communism have the same roots.  They both suppress freedom and warns that any brand of environmentalism calling for centralized planning of the economy under the slogan of "protecting nature" is nothing less than reincarnation of communism: new communism.  Most who lived and suffered under communism can instantly recognize any signs of communist ideology, no matter how slight or subtle.  

Communism can be characterized by the word "deception."  Communist leaders never disclose their real intentions.  They are frauds who employ different identities and slogans for one goal: Totalitarian Enslavement, and their insistence on the necessity of "environmental protection" is no exception.  In fact, U.S. Communist Party Chairman Gus Hall stated in 1972: "Human society cannot stop the destruction of the environment under capitalism.  Socialism is the only structure that makes it possible."  The U.S. Green Party adapted this ideology as of their platform in 1989.  Don't full yourself that this is the thinking of a few "fringe leftists.  The UN IPCC Working Group III stated in a 2010 interview with a Swiss Newspaper: "We must free ourselves from the illusion that International Climate Policy is an environmental policy...We must state clearly what we use climate policy de facto to redistribute the world's wealth."  

Communist revolutionaries work in three stages: Polarization, Destabilization, & Revolution.  Communist leaders put up a good façade, pretending that they're all about "fighting for the little guy."  They appeal to those with big hearts because they're easy to manipulate.  As Lenin stated, they're "Useful Idiots."  The truth is that Communists don't care about poor people, they just hate rich ones.  In the eyes of communists, "rich people" are anyone who own their own business and control their own destiny.  Stalin's infamous "Kulak Campaign" is living proof of this.  If you disagree with this, then you're a traitor.  

In truth, hate is the backbone of communism.  Lenin himself stated this when he said "We must hate.  Hatred is the basis of Communism.  Children must be taught to hate their parents if they're not communists."  Tragically, Communist regimes from the Khmer Rough, North Korea, Red China, & the Eastern Bloc all trained children to inform on their relatives who expressed any dissatisfaction with Communism.  Communists are not only rooted in hate, but they're masters at "indoctrination."  They continually preach "justice" and "social equality."  They target the youth for this indoctrination.  Taking advantage of their emotional immaturity & lack of experience and knowledge.  They scare them with "Embrace Socialism!  Fear Capitalism!  Or you'll be exploited & you nation destroyed!"  This is why Communism immediately latched onto the cause of "environmental protection."  "Your planet is being poisoned and will die under capitalism, only socialism can save it!"  Those who don't fall in line are immediately ostracized as "the enemy."  For example, in 2011, a six-year-old boy in Laval, Quebec, was disqualified from participating an a Teddy Bear contest because he brought a Ziploc bag in his lunch instead of a reusable container.  School plays are now being done with children "sabotaging factories" and the "evil oil company" to fight "climate change."  Students are taught that the government must take all control of "private ownership" to "save the planet."

Once they gain enough power and are able to dominate elections, they will abolish free elections, eradicate their rival parties, and round up any that they believe to be a threat to their authority.  The "useful idiots" who helped the Communists come to power ultimately end up as slaves in the Communist system.  Once in power, the only perquisite to any position of power or authority is loyalty to the party.  Ironically, what ultimately destroys every Communist nation is the inevitable collapse of their economy.  Private businesses are never "publicly owned," they're owned and controlled by the government.  This centrally planned economy is not subject to laws of supply and demand.  Financial goals become meaningless as there are no penalties for not fulfilling them, and long-term government plans are never reached.  All economic freedom is lost.  The opportunity to buy your own real estate is never granted.  You have for hours for the basic needs (food and water) and years to receive government permission to own a car.  When Zuzana applied for permission to have a garage in 1988 in Slovakia, she was still waiting when she was leaving for Canada in 1997.  Oh, and if you run afoul with the party, you'll never get anything.  The lack of freedom and "power of the party" leads to widespread corruption.  It get's to the point that to get the "good things in life" it won't come down to what you know, but who you know.  Education may be free, but there's little change it will get you anything.  Bribery becomes common.  If you want medical care right away, the government may provide it, but you'll have to pay the bribe.  

The irony of all ironies?  All communist nations are infamous for polluting the environment.  Air and water pollution in these nations is horrific.  Environmental laws are often ignored for the sake of promoting "socialism."  If you object to any of this, better keep your mouth shut, because informers are everywhere!  Say the wrong thing to the wrong person, and you're in a labor camp, or in a grave.  Don't count on the First Amendment to save you.  Freed of Speech never survives under socialism!  How many people have been murdered in capitalist nations for not supporting capitalism?  Few, if any.  How many have been murdered in Communist nations?  Around 80-100 million.  Are we really going to believe that "Western Democratic Socialism" will bring about the positive changes that many desire?  Socialism always leads to Communism, and Communism always leads to death.  History proves this, and it's time we learn it.  


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