Nazi Germany Armed & Supported Arab Terrorism Against the Jews of Israel

The Nazis have long had an alliance with the Jihadist forces of the Middle East before, during, and after the  Second World War.  From 1936-1939 the Fascist regime of Rome & Berlin supplied the Arabs in the British Mandate of Palestine with money and weapons.  They also allied themselves with the Muslim Brotherhood and the Ba'th Party.  As the Second World War progressed the situation in the Middle East steadily got worse.  In Nov. 28, 1941 Hitler met with the infamous personally met with teh infamous Haj Amin al-Husseini, where they officially proclaimed their allegiance where al-Husseini plot with teh Nazis to carry out their own Final Solution against the Jews in the Middle East.  Al-Husseini's dream was to unite all the Arabs of the Middle East into a single Empire, to essentially recreate the Caliphate, which is the same goal held by ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, and numerous other Jihadist terrorist groups. 

Though the Nazis had their own plans for the Middle East, the Arabs were for a time, useful allies, especially when it came to the mutual hatred that Hitler and Husseini had for the Jews.  At the same time, Fascism appealed to many Arabs as they saw its principles directly in line with the Jihadist groups that sought to resurrect the Caliphate.  During Germany's North Africa Campaign against the British, SS Officer Walter Rauff hatched plans to use gas vans to destroy the Jews in the region.  Only General Rommel's defeat at the Battle of El-Alamein prevent this, but not before the Walter Rauff eliminated 2500 Jews in Tunisia.  

Had the war gone differently, it is very likely that the Jews of the Middle East and North Africa would have been slaughtered just as they were in Europe.  As it stands, Al-Hussini succeeded in rallying enough supporters to aid in the killing of thousands of Jews in the Balkans, the Caucuses, and the Middle East.  He continually issued radio broadcasts in the region, calling for Muslim Arabs to "Kill the Jews before they kill you!”  He also falsely stated that the British gave weapons to the Jews, Greeks, Armenians, & other minorities in the Middle East so they could kill Muslims.  Al-Husseini also succeeded in getting Iraq to join forces with the Nazis and nearly did the same with Egypt.  Al-Husseini not only bore personal responsibility for the deaths of thousands during the war, he doomed tens of thousands more to death, possibly hundreds of thousands, when he pressured the British Government to pass the infamous "White Paper" that essentially halted all Jewish immigration to the British Mandate of Palestine, right when the Gates of Hell were closing around Europe.  

Unfortunately, the Nazi-Jihadist alliance didn't end with the Second World War.  In the decades that followed the Second World War, regimes in Syria, Iraq, & Egypt were run by regimes that were Nazi sympathizers.  After the war, over 6,000 Nazis fled to Arab nations to escape prosecution for war crimes.  Upon their arrival, many became advisors to the Arab military forces and helped them in their ongoing wars against Israel.  SS Officer Water Rauff fled to Syria after the war, where he aided the Syrian forces in their war against Israel in 1948.  Alois Brunner, another infamous Nazi who was an assistant to Adolf Eichmann  and bore personally responsible for the deaths of over 100,000 Jews also escaped to Syria where he served as an advisor to the Syrian government.  Intelligence reports also revealed that in 1962 the Egyptian dictator Abd an-Nasi created a secret missile launching factory in the desert known as Factory 333.  This facility was staffed by former V1 & V2 scientists and the security chief was a former SS officer.  

Terrorist groups today like the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, and the Muslim Brotherhood continually quote numerous anti-Semitic sources such as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion to spread hatred against the Jewish people throughout the Middle East, much like the Nazis did in Germany.  Terrorist leaders continually call for the annihilation of the Jews worldwide, much like Hitler did.  In fact, their rants against the Jews bear eerie similarity to Hitler's rants.  For instance, Hamas Deputy Minister of Religious Endowments Abdallah Jarbu stated on TV in Feb. 2010 that “The Jews are thieves and aggressors.  The Koran itself says….’You shall find the strongest men in enmity to the believers to be the Jews.’  May He annihilate this filthy people who have neither religion nor conscience.  I condemn whoever believes in normalizing relations with them, whoever supports sitting down with them, and whoever believes that they are human beings.  They are not human beings. They are not people."  

History proved that tyrants like Hitler who adhere to such hateful ideologies cannot be negotiated with, and that appeasement only makes it worse.  The same holds true here.  You cannot appease people like Abdallah Jarbu nor anyone else who adhere to the hateful Jihadist ideology.  Though the Jihadist ideology and the Nazi ideology may have originated in different lands, they share the same desires and the same hate.  They cannot be appeased, only exposed and resisted.  


Rubin, Barry and Wolfgang G. Schwanitz.  Nazis, Islamists, and the Making of the Modern Middle East.  London: Yale University Press, 2014.


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