Uyghur Genocide & Social Justice Hypocrisy

Beginning in 2014, the Chinese Government started a vicious campaign against the Uyghur Muslims in the Xinjiang region of their nation.  It is now estimated that approximately 2 million Uyghur's have been detained in Internment Camps.  

The Chinese Communist Party has justified their action that it's a necessary measure against militant Uyghur Separatists, and that the the camps are for the purpose of "Re-education."  However, they're much more than a mere "safety precaution."  Reports reveal that the prisoners are subject to brainwashing, forced labor & sterilization.  Throughout the camps, the Uyghur's are brought into classrooms and are indoctrinated into forgetting their culture & history and conform to mainstream Chinese beliefs & practices.  

Now, reports are coming out from female Uyghur's who have recently been freed that Uyghur Muslim women have been repeatedly gang raped.  The
BBC reported that Uyghur women testified that each night, men in suits would appear and chose which women they felt were the prettiest.  They were then taken to an infamous "Black Room" where there was no surveillance.  There, the Uyghur women were repeatedly raped.  Camp survivors and even a few guards have come forward and admitted that there is an organized system of mass rape and torture going on inside of these Internment Camps.  

Many of the victims are also subject to electrocution and other forms of torture.  Women who are raped are forced to remain silent about it while in the camp.  They're threatened with death if they talk.  Some of the women who were taken away never came back.  At times, women are even gang raped in front of crowds of detainees as a dehumanization tactic.  Women fortunate enough to be released from the camps are often broken psychologically, turning to drug abuse and other forms of self-harm in order to try and cope with their trauma.  

You would think that this would be exactly the kind of thing that the Social Justice supporting American companies would be out condemning.  The forced subjugation of an indigenous people, the rape and defilement of innocent women, you would think that this is exactly the kind of cause that  companies like Disney, Nike, and Coca Cola would be flocking to.  After all, Disney has fired actresses for not falling in line with what they believe is right, Nike openly endorsed Colin Kaepernick's protests against Racial Injustice, Coca Cola has urged their employees to be "less white," so wouldn't these companies all be lining up to defend an oppressed people on the precipice of annihilation?  Well guess what?  They're not.  

Disney has not only turned a blind eye to the Uyghurs, but they filmed the move Mulan in the Xinjiang Province, they very place where the Uyghurs are being interned, tortured, raped, & murdered.  When the U.S. Congress passed an almost unanimous resolution calling for the banning of goods made by forced laborers in the Xinjiang Province, companies like Coca Cola, Nike, GAP, and Apple stepped up and lobbied Congress to weaken the bill.  The reason?  These companies have ties to the factories in China provides them with their product, factories confirmed by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute that supplied with at least 80,000 Uyghur's forcibly transferred from Xinjiang to serve as forced laborers.  

So these Super Woke Social Justice companies that like to rail against "systemic racism" and seemingly endorse "social justice" are upset that sanctions against China for the horrific actions against the Uyghur's might hurt their bank accounts.  So in their eyes, if you put out a Tweet about a social issue that they disagree with, they'll fire you and try to ruin your life, but they have no problem with their products being manufactured by a nation who is are incarcerating a minority ethnic group for slave labor and raping their women for sport.  It's time to call out these companies for what they really are: hypocrites.  Just like so many bystanders during the Holocaust, they're deliberately looking they other way.  They have no business lecturing us about anything.  


Acts17Apologetics.  "Muslim Women Are Being Tortured and Raped in Chinese 'Re-Education' Camps."  YouTube Video.  19:36.  Accessed from

Hill, Matthew, David Campanale, & Joel Gunte.  "'Their Goal is to Destroy Everyone:' Uighur Camp Detainies Allege Systemic Rape."  

Swanson, Ana.  "Nike and Coca Cola Lobby Against Xinjiang Forced Labor Bill."  The New York Times.  Nov. 29, 2020.  Accessed from

Xiuzhong, Vicky et al.  "Uyghurs for Sale."  Australian Strategic Policy Institute.  March 01, 2020.  Accessed from


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