Pakistan Demands Western Leaders Adopt Sharia Blasphemy Laws

In the wake of the arrest and jailing of two innocent Christian women on the charge "blasphemy," Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has not only failed to take any action to abolish these unjust laws in his country, he is now demanding that Western nations adopt them.  Prime Minister Khan stated that "free speech" should not include "blaspheming Muhammad" in anyway.  To defend his position, Prime Minister Khan stated that the West understand that questioning the Holocaust hurts Jewish sentiments of the Jewish community, and they should treat the issue of "insulting Muhammad" in the same manner.

Prime Minister Imran Khan issued this demand following intense pressure from Pakistan's Tehreek-e-Labbaik Party (TLP).  The TLP has long supported Pakistan's Blasphemy Laws.  They not only advocated for the execution of Asia Bibi, a Christian mother who spent 8 years on death row due to a blasphemy conviction, but the also called for the death of the three Supreme Court Justices who chose to acquit her of these charges.  The TLP also publicly supported the murder of French school teacher Samuel Paty for showing pictures of Charlie Hebo's images of Muhammad during a lesson about free speech.  

The passage of these laws by Pakistan has led to the wrongful imprisonment of  have led to the wrongful imprisonment of many Pakistani citizens, increased persecution of religious minorities within the nation, and ongoing mob violence against accused blasphemers and their families.  National leaders have also used these repressive laws to crack down on all forms of dissent.  Recently the police filed blasphemy charges against organizers of a Women's Rights March in the capital city of Islamabad.  

Amazingly, while the Pakistani government demands that the Western nations adopt their nation's blasphemy laws as their own out of concern for "defending their prophet from criticism & ridicule," they have expressed no concern about the plight of the millions of Uyghur Muslims in China.  During a recent UN vote on the issue, Pakistan not only chose not to officially condemn China for their actions, but they actually gave a vote praising China's human rights records!  It seems that Pakistan's Prime Minister does not have his priorities straight.  He is more concerned about his faith being "critiqued and possibly ridiculed" in Western nations, but has not expressed any qualm about the mass imprisonment, rape, and murder of millions of Uyghur Muslims in neighboring China.  It is time for Pakistani leaders to start understanding reality.  The reality being that our nations allow for the criticism of any historical figure or ideology, regardless of how passionately one is committed to their teachings.  More importantly, the sanctity of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is much more important than "offending religious feelings," especially when millions of people are having these things forcibly stripped away from them.  Pakistani leaders should spend less time obsessing over the Western nations Free Speech laws and more time obsessing over China's mass imprisonment of the Uyghurs.  


Hashim, Asad.  "Pakistan PM Calls for West to Criminalize Blasphemy Against Islam."  AlJazeera.  April 19, 2019.  Accessed from

Hashim, Asad.  "Pakistan Police to File 'Blasphemy' Case Against Feminist Marchers."  AlJazeera.  April 16, 2019.  Accessed from

Qiblawi, Tamara.  "Muslim Nations are Defending China as it Cracks Down on Muslims, Shattering Any Myths of Islamic Solidarity."  CNN.  July 17, 2019.  Accessed from


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