Pakistan National Assembly Member calls for Nuclear Jihad against Israel

In a recent video, Pakistani National Assembly Representative Moulana Abdul Akbar Chitrali was seen on the floor of the National Assembly on May 17th, openly calling for Pakistan to use its nuclear weapons arsenal against Israel.  In a fiery speech (Link to Video), Chitrali demanded that the leaders of their nation declare a Jihad against Israel.  He stated that their nations had long-range missiles, fighter jets, and atom bombs at their disposable, and demands that Pakistan use them in this Jihad.  Chitrali further called on Pakistan to not only used these weapons against Israel, but to utilize them to help "liberate" Kashmir, the region that has been disputed between India and Pakistan ever since their nations were Partitioned in 1947.  

As his speech went on, Chitrali stated that the only way to resolve the Israel and Kashmir issue was through Jihad.  He insisted that "The Path of Allah is the Path of Jihad," and that there is no other option.  Interestingly enough, Chitrali has an account on Twitter, and thus far, his account has not been permanently banned, or even suspended for "inciting violence."  This is despite the fact that Chitrali has openly called for the annihilation of an entire nation on the floor of the National Assembly of Pakistan!  Even more interesting, in a recent vote held at the United Nations, Pakistan not only refused to condemn China for their crimes against the Uyghur Muslims (Link to Article), but the nation actually voted in favor of China's human rights records!  Seems to me that Chitrali's speech is not only hateful and violent, but it also shows hypocrisy at its finest.  


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