Palestinian Rally in NYC Calls for "Global Intifada"

The issue of creating a "Palestinian State" is not an issue of a people's right to self determination.  It is in fact part of a much greater issue that is affecting the entire world: Global Jihad.  A recent "Pro-Palestinian Rally" in NYC is living proof of this (Link to Video).  During the rally, there were not chants calling for "Palestinian Liberation," but "Palestinian Domination."  The protestors chanted "We don't Want Two States, we want all of it" and "There is only one solution, Intifada Revolution."  Protestors also held a giant banner calling for a "Global Intifada."  

The Intifada was a series of violent terrorist attacks launched by Palestinian terrorist groups against Israel for years that claimed thousands of innocent lives.  Would the media be so silent if a rally of Nazi skinheads called for a "Global Blitzkrieg?"  This hateful rally should start waking people up to reality, and the reality is that the threat of Global Jihad is not stemming from a dispute over a Holy City or a piece of land, but it is a world-wide to campaign to enforce Sharia onto the world and bring it under a global Caliphate, by any means necessary.  This was proven yet again when Palestinian Islamic Scholar Sheikh Issam Amira recently issued a fatwa from the Temple Mount calling for the Taliban to expand their "Caliphate" to Pakistan & Beyond, and to then come and "liberate" Jerusalem (Link to Video).  While some terrorist organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood prefer the strategy of "gradual infiltration" and others like ISIS prefer outright military campaigning and conquest, the end results are ultimately the same: a Sharia State governed by terror.  The ISIS conquest of portions of Iraq and Syria along with the Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Egypt stands as living proof of this reality, as is the fact that terrorist attacks against both the U.S. and Europe have been ongoing before and after the infamous 9/11 attacks.  

The ongoing Jihadist campaigns in nations all over the world, from Nigeria to the Philippines, clearly shows that Jihad is a worldwide danger, and it is a danger that cannot be ignored, and it certainly cannot be pacified through appeasement.  Gracia Burnham gives living testimony to this.  For over a year, Gracia and her husband were held hostage by the Philippine Jihadist group Abu Sayyaf (Link to Book).  Though Abu Sayyaf leaders claim that they only want an autonomous state in the South Philippines.  However, when Gracia spoke to Abu Sayyaf leader Ustedz Khayr, he told her that once they had the islands of the Southern Philippines, they'd push on until they had all the Philippines under the Caliphate, then they'd keep going into Thailand, then all of Southeast Asia, then the world.  It may sound crazy in our minds, but the ambitions of Hitler sounded crazy to many in the 1930's.  By the time we finally realized that Hitler meant what he said, it was too late.  



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