Chronically Sick Egyptian Widow Finds Jesus

In the year 2013 Dominia's husband passed away.  Poverty and lack of care from her husband's parents forced Dominia & her three preteen children to move into a poor neighborhood and live with little income.  Making matters worse, Dominia fell into illness and none of the medical treatments seemed to be working.  Her physician, who happened to be a Christian, suggested an alternative treatment method: prayer.  Dominia took her physician's advice, and asked Jesus to heal her of her ailment.  Amazingly, Dominia began to feel better and her illness went away.  

Stunned by this, Dominia began to reconsider her long-time Islamic faith and began praying for God to reveal Himself to her.  Soon afterward, Dominia witnessed a vision of Christ and felt immediate peace.  Noticing her change, Dominia's children also turned to Jesus, and the family soon began to attend church in Cairo.  

Sadly, Dominia's struggles were not over.  Within weeks, word spread that Dominia and her family left Islam for Christ and local Muslims began to spy on her.  After witnessing a pastor visit her home they broke in and attacked both Dominia and her pastor.  Her assailants then burned several churches in the area as a warning both to the Christians in the area and to Muslims who were taking an interest in the Gospel.  The assailants then kicked Dominia and her family out of their home, and they were forced to live on the streets for three days.  Though they found a new home, the attacks continued.  Local Islamists broke into their home and attacked Dominia's son, cutting the cross tattoo off of his arm.  They threatened to kill the entire family unless the returned to Islam, but they refused to do so.  Eventually, the beatings became so severe, that Dominia's pastor helped the family flee Egypt.  

Despite all of the hardships, Dominia's faith has never wavered, and she hopes that God will use her story to serve His purpose.  


"Starting Over."  Voice of the Martyrs.  October 2021.


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