Sudanese Christian Convert Rejoices in His Suffering

Dilek is a Christian from Sudan who fled to Egypt to escape the ongoing persecution within his native country.  During his last incarceration in the Sudan, Dilek was imprisoned and beaten by Sudanese authorities for three days.  Though released, Dilek was kept under constant surveillance for months, which ultimately made him decide to leave his country.  Prior to this arrest, Dilek had been born to a Muslim household.  His father had three wives, who bore him 24 children.  All of his life, Dilek's parents taught their children to hate Christianity.  When he was a teenager, Dilek acquired a Bible.  His purpose was to disprove it so he could convince his Christian classmates that Islam was the truth.  Instead, the opposite happened.  Dilek became a believer.  

Dilek's conversion was soon discovered by his family.  His father began to beat him regularly and even had his brother, a government official, to throw his own son in jail.  When he was released, Dilek fled to the Nuba Mountains where he remained for five years.  However, he was eventually discovered as government officials in the region noticed that Dilek's complexion differed from that of other Christians in the southern Sudan, which convinced them that he had not born to a Christian family.  The ongoing surveillance led Dilek and his wife to flee to Cairo.  

Though hoping for a better life, Dilek continued to suffer hardships in Cairo.  Dilek's wife became impregnated with twins.  Sadly, one died in the womb, the second was born with complex medical problems.  Then their landlord discovered that the family were Christians and evicted them.  Thankfully, Voice of the Martyrs helped the family find a new home and even provided funds so their son could receive medical treatment.  Despite the attacks that he endured from his own family, Dilek still loves them and misses them dearly, especially his mother, who he has not spoken to in 20 years.  Yet for all the they have suffered, Dilek feels that none of their troubles have ever made him think that following Jesus is too hard.  Dilek stated "This is where He is building your character and faith.  I love this suffering life for Him."  


"Loving His Life of Suffering."  Voice of the Martyrs.  October 2021.


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