Iranian Security Forces Attack Demonstrators in Isfahan

Iran is a police state.  Everyday dissidents are arrested, imprisoned, or simply "disappear."  Speaking out against the regime could mean the end of you.  However, this does not stop courageous Iranians from standing up and speaking out.  Having endured over 40 years of dictatorship and repression, the people yearn for their freedom, but the Security Forces seek to deny the people this people.  

For nearly two weeks, demonstrators in the Iranian city of Isfahan gathered in protest of the nations growing water shortage, a shortage blamed by many on government mismanagement.  Initially, the government tolerated this, but then the inevitable crackdown happened.  Security Forces stormed into the demonstrators, beating many with riot clubs, firing tear gas, and setting their tents on fire.  Sixty-seven demonstrators were arrested and many more injured.  As they were attacked, demonstrators screamed "Shame on you," "Death to the Dictator," "Death to Khameni!"   

This is but one of many demonstrations in Iran that ended in tragedy, but it should also serve as a wake-up call to the West.  The West must become aware that the Iranian people despise their regime and they want it gone.  The West needs to stand beside the Iranian people, show them that we have no fight with them, and that we will support them in their struggle against the regime.  


Fassihi, Farnaz.  "Iran Clamps Down on Protests Against Growing Water Shortages."  The New York Times.  Nov. 27, 2021.  Accessed from

"U.S. 'Deeply Concerned' After Iranian Crackdown on Protests Over Water Shortages."  Radio Free Europe.  Nov. 27, 2021.  Accessed from

Weinthal, Benjamin.  "Iranian Regime Kills Protestors in Central City of Isfahan."  The Jerusalem Post.  Nov. 26, 2021.  Accessed from


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