Mob Murders Sri Lankan Christian

Link to Video The Social Media world was stunned as horrific videos surfaced of Sri Lankan Christian Priyanthna Diyawadana being beaten to death and then lit on fire by a mob of Pakistanis in the city of Sialkot. Priyanthna worked as a manager of Rajco Industries, a sportswear factor in Pakistan for the past seven years. One day, he took down a poster that contained verses of the Qur'an and soon afterward, was accused of blasphemy. Pakistan's blasphemy laws mandate lengthy prison terms, and in some cases, the death penalty, to any who insult Islam. This can including "desecrating the Qur'an," "insulting Muhammad," or simply saying anything that is viewed as being "offensive to Islam." In one highly publicized case, Pakistani Christian woman Asia Bibi spent 8 years on death row for Blasphemy, a sentence that was overturned only after International Outrage pressured Pakistan's Supreme Court to overturn the conviction and allow her to l...