Mob Murders Sri Lankan Christian

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The Social Media world was stunned as horrific videos surfaced of  Sri Lankan Christian Priyanthna Diyawadana being beaten to death and then lit on fire by a mob of Pakistanis in the city of Sialkot.  Priyanthna worked as a manager of Rajco Industries, a sportswear factor in Pakistan for the past seven years.  One day, he took down a poster that contained verses of the Qur'an and soon afterward, was accused of blasphemy.  

Pakistan's blasphemy laws mandate lengthy prison terms, and in some cases, the death penalty, to any who insult Islam.  This can including "desecrating the Qur'an," "insulting Muhammad," or simply saying anything that is viewed as being "offensive to Islam."  In one highly publicized case, Pakistani Christian woman Asia Bibi spent 8 years on death row for Blasphemy, a sentence that was overturned only after International Outrage pressured Pakistan's Supreme Court to overturn the conviction and allow her to leave the country.  Sadly, there are many instances in which vigilantes and religious clerics whip up mobs to take the blasphemy law into their own hands and launch mob attacks against those accused of blasphemy.  What happened to Priyanthna is just one of many such incidents to occur within this country.  

In a recent Tweet, Pakistan's Prime Minister Imram Khan voiced disapproval of the act and vowed to bring the perpetrators to justice, perpetrators who in reality had no qualms about facing any potential repercussions as many were recorded proudly posing for selfie's with Pryanthna's burning corpse.  

The reality though is that it is unlikely justice will be served (Link to Video).  Firstly, those who perpetrate crimes against religious minorities are seldom punished in Pakistan.  Second, blasphemy is the law of the land in Pakistan, and all too often those who are beaten are killed when accused of blasphemy are seldom punished.  Thirdly, the killing of those accused of blasphemy, even if they're killed outside of a court of law, is considered legal under Sharia Law.  The origins of this practice are revealed in the Hadith of Sunan Abu Dawud 4361, a man murdered his slave woman who bore him two of his children for insulting Muhammad.  When the case was brought before Muhammad, he ordered no retaliation against the man, declaring he had acted justly.  This Hadith is not an isolated one as there are a number of accounts from the Hadith as well as the early biographies of Muhammad in which Muhammad personally ordered people killed for insulting him.  

When Sharia Law becomes the law of the land, as it has in Pakistan, you cannot expect things like this to end.  It will simply become the norm and in some nations like Pakistan, it already is.  


Dogar, Babar & Munir Ahmed.  "Pakistan Police: Mob Kills Sri Lankan Over Alleged Blasphemy."  The Washington Post.  Dec. 03, 2021.  Accessed from

"Pakistan: Dozens Arrested After Sri Lankan Lynched: Set Ablaze."  AlJazeera.  Dec. 04, 2021.  Accessed from


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