Iranian Man Murders 17-year-old Wife in Honor Killing

In the nation of Iran, a man recently beheaded is wife in the city of Ahvaz and posted an image of himself online smiling and holding her severed head.  The victim was 17-year-old Mona Heydari.  At the age of 12, she was forcibly married to her cousin, Sajjad Heydari, and was constantly subjected to physical violence and rape.  Impregnated as a young teenager, Mona leaves behind a 3-year-old son.  

Mona constantly pleaded with her family to help her obtain a divorce from Sajjad, but they kept refusing to help her.  Eventually, she fled to Turkey to try and escape from him.  However, Mona was alone in a strange nation and frightened.  Her brother eventually persuaded her to return home, assuring her that everything would be fine.  Upon returning home, Sajjad and his brother tied Mona up, and beheaded her.  The commander of the Iranian State Security Fore (SSF) declared that the murder was motivated by "family differences."  

For man in the West, this explanation is seen as "bizarre," but sadly, these instances are not at all uncommon in Iran.  When a woman in Iran seeks a divorce from an abusive husband, it is viewed as a disgrace to the family.  Thus, when Iranian women seek divorce, male relatives often murder her in order to preserve the family's "dignity."  This is why such murders are classified by the Iranian regime as "family differences."  This horrific practices is all too common as Iranian women's rights activists constantly reveal to the world that women in Iran have no rights.  They're often subjected to physical and sexual abuse at the hands of their husbands and since the regime is run by Sharia Law, the Iranian government takes no measure to protect them.  

Reports from Iranian Human Rights organizations reveal that every year, 375-450 women in the nation are murdered in "honor killings."  In nations where Sharia dominates, A family’s respect and position within the Islamic community is dependent on the family’s honor.  The honor is the sole responsibility of the women of the family who are taught from childhood the consequences of their behavior.   The woman is the property of the man, whether her father, brother, or husband.  Shame is linked to every aspect of the woman’s behavior: her dress code, social behavior, her proper head covering, and many others.  Whenever a woman seeks to defy a man, such as trying to flee to escape his abuse, she is seen as committing "Shame" and must therefore be severely punished for the "Honor" to be restored.  This punishment all to often, is death.

It is unlikely that these men will face any severe repercussions for their actions, as they are simply doing that the Islamic Dictatorship of Iran is also doing.  In Iran, a father was sentenced to 8 years in prison for beheading his 14-year-old daughter, while a woman who took off her hijab to protest the regime, received 24 years.  Welcome to Sharia.  



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