Crisis Pregnancy Center Attacked in Buffalo

Attacks on Crisis Pregnancy Centers are continuing across the nation.  One of the most recent attacks on the pro-life Compass Care Pregnancy Center in Buffalo, NY on the night of June 6th.  Compass Care, a pro-life Christian Center dedicated to helping women with unplanned crisis pregnancies, was recently firebombed in an arson attack.  However, the State of New York is doing little to stop this.  
The governor of New York recently passed resolution using $35 million dollars of state tax-payer money to increase security at abortion clinics but has done nothing to protect crisis-pregnancy pro-life centers.  

Pro-Life Pregnancy Center Vandalized in
Ashville, NC
The leaders of Compass Care came out and publicly condemned Democratic leaders, including President Biden, for refusing publicly denounce these ongoing attacks. 
 Compass Care's CEO Jim Harden has called these ongoing attacks a "Pro-Life Kristallnacht."  At this present time, it is suspected that a violent pro-abortion group called "Jane's Revenge" is responsible for this attack, as well as others across the country.  The arsonists that attacked Compass Crisis left the message "Jane Was Here," a calling card that they often spray on all of the pro-life pregnancy centers that they attack.  "Janes Revenge" also leaves behind messages of warning, stating "If abortions aren't safe, then neither are you."  They are in truth, a violent domestic terrorist group.  

The attack on Compass Care caused hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage and will take months to repair.  However, what is even worse is that it will be much more difficult for this organization to help the women in Buffalo who fall into a crisis pregnancy but don't wish to go through with an abortion.  It's very clear that what "Jane's Revenge" is doing is not helping women at all, in truth, it is hurting them, but they don't care about this.  They only care about their violent and murderous agenda.  


Colton, Emma.  "Pro-Life Pregnancy Center CEO Slams Dem Silence After Alleged Firebombing, Calls it a Hate Crime."  Fox News.  June 08, 2022.  Accessed from  

Downey, Caroline.  "Pro-Abortion Terrorists Firebomb Buffalo Pro-Life Pregnancy Center."  National Review.  June 07, 2022.  Accessed from

Novielli, Carol.  "Pregnancy Centers Under Attack: NY Center Firebombed, NC Center Vandalized as Violence Rises."  LiveAction.  June 07, 2022.  Accessed from


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