East Burdwan Woman Has Hand Cut Off by Abusive Husband


Twenty-three-year-old Renu Khatum recently had her right hand cut off by her husband, Sariful Sheikh and two of his friends.  Her offense?  She wanted a job (Link to Article).  A resident of the town of Burdwan in the Bengal region of India, Renu was recently offered a job to work as a nurse in a state-run hospital.  In 2018, Renu received her nursing degree from the RG Kar Medical College and Hospital in Calcutta, and then began to work in a private hospital to gain experience.  However, her abusive husband and in laws did not want her to work.  Forced into the marriage against her will in 2017, Renu was continually beaten by her husband for defying his demand that she not work.  Despite this, Renu continued to study and learn.  After three years of working, she was finally offered the job and was prepared to start on the 13th of June.  Sadly, this was not to be.  

On Sunday night, June 5th, while Renu was asleep in bed, Sariful got his two friends to hold her down while he took a machete and cut off her right hand (Link to Article).  As you can imagine, the neighbors heard what was happening and alerted the authorities, who soon arrived on the scene.  However, after cutting off Renu's hand, Sariful deliberately hid it in order to prevent any chance of her severed hand being reattached to her arm through surgery.  Sadly, his plan worked, and by the time Renu's hand was found, it was too late.  Sariful and his friends were soon taken into police custody while Renu was taken to the hospital.  Despite the deliberate maiming, Renu's offer has not been rescinded and the hospital chief assures her that she can assume her hired position once she completes her rehabilitation and is ready to do so (Link to Article).  Already, Renu is teaching herself how to write with her left hand.

One must ask why such a drastic action was taken.  While it is certainly true that women all over the world have been denied the right to work due to societal restrictions, cultural barriers, or abusive husbands, but to cut off her right hand seems very to be a very drastic measure.  However, it is an acceptable one under Sharia Law.  Surah 5:33 of the Qur'an states that "Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and spreads mischief in the land is only that they shall be killed, crucified, have their feet and hands cut off on opposing sides, or be exiled form the land.  This 'penalty' is a disgrace for them in this world, and they will suffer a tremendous punishment in the Hereafter."  

Under Sharia Law, many things can be considered "spreading mischief in the land."  Among those things is a woman who refuses to accept her place under Sharia.  Everywhere Sharia is implemented, women are denied equal rights.  The women who fell under the shadow of Boko Haram, the Taliban, ISIS, and in nations like Saudi Arabia and Iran know this all too well.  Though India is not under Sharia Law, there are times when Muslims in this nation, as well as other nations where Sharia is not the written law of the land, choose to take it upon themselves to enforce Sharia on their relatives and community, and Renu's case is a prime example of this practice in action.  Sharia strips away all women's rights, yet the Leftist feminists who profess to fight for women's rights have continually turned a blind eye to this reality.  What will it take for them to wake up to it?  


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