Jihadist Terrorist Attack Strikes Norwegian Gay Club

On Saturday, a 42-year-old Jihadist attacked the London Pub in Oslo, Norway.  The site is a popular club amongst the homosexual community in Norway.  At 1:15am local time, the shooter, armed with a fully automatic gun, opened fire inside of the club, killing two people and wounding 21 more, 10 of whom are in critical condition.  The attack led the authorities to cancel the "Pride March" scheduled for the following day, fearing that there could be more violence erupt.  Despite this, many took to the streets that day to denounce the violent attack while Norwegian counter-terrorist forces have been placed on high alert.  

The shooter has been identified as Zaniar Matapour, whose family came from the Kurdish region of Iraq in the early 1990's.  Zaniar had been on the "Watch List" within the country since 2015 and had been designated as having being a radical Islamist as well as having a long history of mental health issues.  Sadly, this is not the first time that Jihadists have targeted gay clubs for attack.  

The most notorious example was when ISIS supporter Omar Mateen attacked the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, killing 49 and wounding 53.  The motive of these attacks is the strict interpretation of Islamic Sharia Law which dictates harsh penalties for homosexuality.  These penalties range from flogging, to imprisonment, to death (Link to Video).  These penalties in implemented in force within a number of regions of the world were Sharia is the Law of the State (Ex. Brunei, Iran, Somalia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia).  However, in nations where homosexuality is permitted, some Islamists feel obligated to take Sharia into their own hands and carry out murderous attacks against homosexuals.  We see numerous examples of this practice, where things such as the killing of apostates (Individuals who leave Islam) and the honor killings of women occur at the hands of individuals who feel that although they live in a land where Sharia is not the law in the books, it is the law that they choose to identify as the legitimate authority.  


Byrnes, Hristina.  "13 Countries Where Being Gay is Legally Punished by Death."  USA Today.  June, 14, 2019.  Accessed from  https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2019/06/14/countries-where-being-gay-is-legally-punishable-by-death/39574685/.

Manenkov, Kostya, and Jari Tanner.  "Norway Mourns Victims of Oslo Shooting with Memorial Service."  The News and Observer.  June 26, 2022.  Accessed from  https://www.newsobserver.com/news/business/article262901243.html.

"Oslo Shooting: Norway Attack Being Treated as Islamist Terrorism, Police Say."  BBC.  June 25, 2022.  Accessed from https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61933817.


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