Cards Against Humanity Gives Profits to Abortion Clinics


Cards Against Humanity is a popular party game, particularly amongst colleges students.  However, the creators of the game have now revealed themselves as having a very clear bias: they are pro-abortion, and they are prepared to use the profits of the sales from residents of states in the U.S. that pass laws forbidding unrestricted abortion & tax-payer funding for the practice to the "National Network of Abortion Funds."  This organization seeks to "remove all financial and logistical barriers to abortion access."  In short, it pays for the killing of the babies of underprivileged women (Eugenics Population Control, which was Planned Parenthood's Original Goal upon its founding).  

So if you're a resident of the following states: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming, anytime you buy this card game, your money will go to help support abortion, whether you want it to or not.  What is even more appalling is that Cards Against Humanity included Arizona and Florida in their list of states despite the fact that these states allow unrestricted abortion up to 15 weeks, despite the fact that most Pro-Choice Americans believe that 15 weeks is an acceptable to to end unrestricted abortion access.  

Cards Against Humanity has labeled these states as "forced birth Republican hellholes."  They falsely claim that women are threatened with prison if they continue with unwanted pregnancies.  This is a blatant lie as no modern pro-life laws carry legal penalties for women who obtain abortions, and the overwhelming number of pro-life organizations do not advocate for such a thing.  


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