The Story of a Christian Convert in Nepal

In Nepal Min Maya grew up in a Buddhist home.  As a young girl, she had no use for Christianity except to visit the local church to obtain free school supplies.  When she was old enough to leave home, Min moved in with her older sister in the capital city of Kathmandu to find work.  While there, Min became ill, and when the remedies offered by Buddhist monks didn't work, her sister invited some of her Christian friends to pray for her.  Amazingly, Min's health improved.  After this happened, Min and her sister began to take an interest in Christianity and decided to become a follower of Jesus.  However, Min's mother did not approve of her choice.  

Min's mother was a Buddhist lama who performed blessing rituals for the local villagers.  As she occupied such a prestigious position within her faith, her daughter's conversion didn't sit well with her.  Min's mother first took her home and tried to push Min back into Buddhism.  When Min refused, her mother kicked her out.  Though Min tried to reconcile with her mother, she banned Min from their home.  After this, Min returned to Kathmandu and entered a Christian training program.  Several months later, Min's mother invited her back home, but instead of seeking reconciliation, Min's mother took out a stick and demanded that Min choose between Jesus, or her.  Min chose Jesus and Min's mother then began to beat her, only stopping when Min's father & brothers intervened and stopped her.  Min's mother then Min & her sister in the house and began to deny them food.  When she did relent and offer rice, Min & her sister knew it was rice that had been offered to idols at the Buddhist Temple, and also knew that their faith forbade them from consuming the food.  Despite this, Min took comfort from the Gospel, stating "The major thing was that Jesus came into this world for our sins, and He experienced pain like we experienced.  Jesus also suffered...for us."  When Min's brother joined in the beatings, Min and her sister decided that they had to leave.  They met with Christians who helped them obtain sewing machines so they could support themselves as tailors.  

Though Min's relationship is still strained with the rest of her family, she holds steady to her faith, particularly to the teaching of 1 Timothy 4:12  "Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity."  


"A Big Stick, a Bigger Jesus."  Voice of the Martyrs.  Nov. 2022.


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