Pakistani Christian Mother Raped & Murdered in Lahore

Shazia Imran is a 40-year-old Christian widow who was abducted, gang raped, & stabbed to death for refusing to convert to Islam and marry a Muslim by the name of Mani Gujjar.  Shazia was a resident of the city of Lahore and worked at the daycare center of the Lahore University of Management Sciences.  For months Shazia was stalked and harassed by Mani Guijar who continually pressured her to marry him.  Though the harassment was reported to the authorities, they did nothing to stop it.  On July 3rd, Shazia was abducted by Mani, his brother, and two of his cousins, who then proceeded to rape Shazia, cut her throat, and then doused her body in acid in order to try and cover up the crime. 
Shazia's husband sadly died 18 months earlier, and while police have ruled his death as an "accident," many members of Shazia's family suspect that the four men who raped her are also the ones responsible for the death of her husband.  Shazia leaves behind three children: a a son named Salman (Age 16), a second son named Abrar (Age 6), and a daughter named Aliza (Age 7), who are now orphans.  At this present time, the children are being cared for by extended relatives, who are currently pleading with Christian organizations for help.  Sadly, incidents like this are common in Pakistan.  In the year 2022 the Lahore-based Center for Social Justice reported that there were at least 124 documented cases of Pakistani women belonging to religious minorities (Christianity, Hindu, or Sikh) being targeted for abduction & forced conversion, with many such women being forced to marry their abductor.  

At this present time Mani Gujjar is in police custody and has confessed to the crime, but thus far he has refused to implicate anybody else and the police have shown little interest in pursuing justice against the other three perpetrators.  Making matters worse, Gujjar is a member of a very influential family in the region and they are making threats against Shazia's family if they do not withdraw their demands for justice.  Shazia's remaining family has had to go into hiding due to these threats. 


"A 40-year-old Christian Woman, Shazia Imran Murdered for not Converting to Islam in Pakistan."  Pakistan Christian Post.  July 02, 2023.  Accessed from

"Muslim in Pakistan Confesses to Killing Christian Woman."  Morning Star News.  July 03, 2023.  Accessed from


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