Hamas Never Desired Freedom

In repeated interviews as well as his own biography Son of Hamas, Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son Sheikh Hassan Yousef, one of the founders of Hamas, has continually denounced the evil ideology followed by the Jihadist terrorist organization.  During the 1990's, Mosab was arrested and imprisoned on several occasions, during which time he witnessed Hamas torture and kill Palestinians in prison that they accused of being collaborators.  Shocked to see Hamas willing to kill their own people, Mosab began disenchanted with the movement and chose to serve as as spy for Israel.  While serving as a spy, he repeatedly saw Hamas militants fire at Israeli soldiers and civilians while hiding behind Palestinian civilians, further strengthening Mosab's belief that Hamas cared nothing for the Palestinian people, that hatred for Jews was their main motivation, and that killing & dying for their ideology is a way of worship (Link to Video Testimony).  Mosab further stated that in the minds of Hamas, compromise and coexistence is not possible.  They don't seek a two-state solution, but a Final Solution that would mean the end of the Jewish people, and the Oct. 7th attacks prove that that are prepared to carry out that belief.  

Mosab Hassan Yousef is not the only one who has come to this realization.  Former Muslim turned atheist Ridvan Aydemir (Better Known as the Apostate Prophet on YouTube) grew up in a devout Muslim family, but later turned against Jihad, and ultimately decided to leave Islam altogether.  In a recent interview, Ridyan testified that Hamas formed in the late 1980's as a Jihadist terrorist group whose goal from the beginning was to fight and destroy Israel (Link to Hamas Charter).  In his testimony, Ridyan stated that over 50% of the population in Gaza support Hamas, with a smaller percentage supporting the Jihadist organization in the West Bank.  Their principle disagreement with Palestinian Authority, which controls much of the West Bank, is that no negotiated peace with Israel is possible.  Ridyan further testified that the goal is to unite the Islamic Community into a Caliphate to be ruled under Sharia, and that secular law is not possible.  Essentially, their goal is the same as that of ISIS.  They further state that all disbelievers are enemies of Allah, and that they must be defeated in armed conflict.  They specifically believe that Jews are the main enemy and they make no distinction between a Jew who is a Zionist, a peace activist, or an opponent of Israel.  A Jew is a Jew, and they are to all be fought and killed (Link to Testimony).  

Those who follow this ideology not only believe in fighting Jews, but all infidels, and that this fight must continue until absolute victory, even in innocent Muslims die as a result.  Former terrorist Esther Ahmad attests to this mentality.  Born to a devout Muslim family in Pakistan, Esther Ahmad joined a terrorist organization and volunteered to serve as a suicide bomber.  However, as the day for her to leave for training camp approached, she began to have second thoughts.  She approached the terrorist recruiter and asked what would happen if she blew herself up and accidentally killed innocent Muslims in the blast.  Her recruiter assured her that they too would be considered Martyrs and would go to Paradise.  However, this answer bothered her.  For years she had helped Muslim widows and orphans in her community, and in the end, she decided that making more widows and orphans was not the right way to serve God.   Esther's testimony reveals to us that Jihadist terrorists do not care if Muslims die in the crossfires of Jihad.  They believe that the death of any Muslim for the sake of Jihad is simply a "necessary sacrifice," and Hamas has this exact mentality.  

Ridyan stated that all offers of peace have been rejected by Hamas, they reject the UN agreements & Oslo Accords that affirm the right of the Jewish state of Israel to exist.  When Hamas supporters chant "From the River to the Sea Palestine Will be Free" they are in fact calling for the annihilation of all the Jews between the Jordan River & the Mediterranean Sea.  It's not a call for freedom, but a call for Genocide.  The Israeli government is well aware of this reality, which is why they enacted a blockade, which they were willing to end if Hamas agreed to cease fighting & seek peace, which they refuse to do.  Ridyan further stated that many pro-Palestinian Leftists are unfamiliar with this reality and they simply for for the propaganda that Israel is the main oppressor and responsible for all of the problems in Gaza when in reality, Hamas cares nothing for the people and are in truth motivated by religious-based genocidal ideology that they are willing to carry out, regardless of how much their own people may suffer (Link to Testimony).  

Many assert that peace is only possible if the Palestinian people reject Hamas and turn away from their ideology and that unless this happens, peace will not be possible.  


Ahmad, Esther and Craig Borlase.  Defying Jihad.  Carol Stream IL: Tyndale Publishers, 2019.

Yousef, Mosab Hassan & Ron Brackin.  Son of Hamas: A Gripping Account of Terror, Betrayal, Political Intrigue, & Unthinkable Choices.  Tyndale Momentum: Carol Stream IL, 2010.  


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