Brother Rachid Exposes the Lies of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

A good portion of the Israeli-Arab conflict is shrouded in half truths and in some cases, no truth at all.  Many programs give the narrative that for many centuries people lived in the region called Palestine.  These people, which were called Palestinians lived there unconcerned and unmolested then all of the sudden a massive influx of Jews arrived, forcing them off of the land they had long lived on, and pushing them into refugee camps which they have been stuck in ever since.  These Palestinians, who were forced off their ancient homeland and oppressed by these Jews, gradually organized into "freedom fighters" and are fighting to get their rightful and back.  None of this is true. 

Brother Rachid & David Wood

Brother Rachid, a former Muslim from Morocco turned Christian, exposes this lie in a recent podcast (Link to Video).  The narrative given is that all the the Jews that now live in what so many are calling "Palestine" were foreign invaders that came in from Europe and colonized the land.  However, the statement that all of the Jews in what is now "Palestine" came from Europe is a half-truth.  While it is true that some of the Jews in the region did indeed migrate in from Europe in a series of "Aliyah's," other Jews had already been living in the region for centuries and even more came from Muslim nations that they were expelled from their lands in the years before, during, &  after the 1948 War of Independence.  Many of these Jewish communities in Muslim nation had existed for thousands of years before they were expelled.  Brother Rachid testified that he spoke to a number of such families who testified that they still have their grandparents keys to their previous homes in Arab nations from which their homes were seized & they were expelled.  The number of Jews kicked out of Islamic nations after this war numbered around 850,000 most of whom went to Israel.  So when anti-Israel opponents state that the Jews should go back to Europe, they fail to realize that many of them did not come from Europe, but from Arab nations, or were already living there.  Even if this were an option, would these nations that expelled them give them back the land and homes that were taken from them?  It's highly doubtful.  

While it is true that Arabs lived in the region, they never at any point declared themselves to be an autonomous state.  Prior to the First World War, the region was part of the Ottoman Empire and had been for centuries.  After their defeat, the British took over the region and gradually the region was divided into numerous countries (Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq).  In the 1917 Balfour Declaration, Jews also sought their own land in the region as many feared living under Islamic control, having suffered from centuries of persecution and massacres in the region.  The British agreed and promised them that they would consider helping to create country in the region as well.  After the WWII ended, the British turned the matter over to the UN who voted in favor of creating two states two states: one for Palestinian Arabs, & one for Jews, in what is today called the 1947 UN partition plan.  The Jews accepted the plan, but the Aras did not.  Nevertheless, on May 14th, 1948, the Jews in the region proceeded to officially declare their independence, and were then attacked the next day by Arab forces.  In his podcast, Brother Rachid testified that the majority of the Arabs left the region at the urging of Arab leaders so the way could be cleared for Arab forces to come through and drive the Jews out.  This is attested by many Arabs, including former PLO terrorist Tass Saada who testified that his family heeded the words of Arab leaders and fled even though his father's Jewish friend and business partner pleaded with his father to stay.  Those Arabs who did decide to stay were granted Israeli citizenship and today, there are 2 million Arabs living in Israel with citizenship rights.  

This still is not the entire story.  In the years leading up to the Second World War, Adolf Hitler was a staunch ally of Haj Ami al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who actively encouraged Arabs to attack Jews not only in the British Mandate of Palestine, but all over the Arab world.  When the war broke out, the Grand Mufti helped form the Handschar Division in Bosnia and helped Hitler carry out the Final Solution in that region while Hitler in turn promised to aid the Mufti in wiping out the Jews in the British Mandate of Palestine once he obtained victory in Europe.  Thankfully, this did not happen, but it didn't mean that the Arabs didn't keep trying.  

In 1967, the Arab nations decided to once again try to destroy Israel, and they mobilized massive forces on the borders of the nation of Israel to attack.  This time, Israel, knowing the attack was imminent, struck first and drove back the Arab forces, taking over the West Bank (which was controlled by Jordan), Gaza (controlled by Egypt), the Golan Heights (controlled by Syria) and the Sinai.  After the Arab forces were defeated again in the 1973 October War, Israel and Egypt entered negotiations in which Israel agreed to return the Sinai to Egypt in exchange for peace.  The Golan Heights was repeatedly offered back to Syria in exchange for peace, which Syria continually refused.  In all of these wars, the goal was to drive the Jews to the sea.  Why?  Because under Jihadist doctrine, no Infidels can have an autonomous state in Arab-Islamic land, period.  This is why at the Khartoum Arab conference after their defeat in the 1967 War the Arab nations delivered the three No's: No Peace, No Recognition, & No Negotiation.  Despite the signing of some peace agreements, many Arabs in the Middle East still hold this viewpoint and don't desire a two-state solution, but a solution in which there are no Jews left in the region at all.  This is why they chant "From the River to the Sea Palestine will be Free."  They don't want a separate state in the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, they want all of the land, and they want that land to be a land without Jews.  This is where many in the West get deceived.  They think that if Israel completely pulls out of Gaza and the West Bank, ends all blockades of Gaza and travel restrictions, if they tear down the security barriers and re-divide Jerusalem, then there will be peace.  However, the Jihadists don't see it that way, because they want all of the land.  They want the Jewish state of Israel to no longer exist at all.  

One also has to ask the question of the necessity of creating yet another Islamic nation.  There are already 49 Muslim majority states in the world with Arabs controlling over 99% of the Middle East as it stands, yet how is that working out?  Yemen, Syria, & Libya are but three examples of Islamic nations being ripped apart by Civil War for years with no end in sight, so what guarantee do we have that even if the Jews were to completely give up and leave Israel altogether that the violence that we see everywhere else in the Islamic world is going to stop?  The reality is this: it won't.  Yemen has been bombed repeatedly by the UAE, Saudi Arabia for years (with little attention from the media or the public) with no end in sight.  Moreover, the expulsion of all the Jews from Palestine wouldn't even end the suffering of the people there, nor would it mean the disbanding of Hamas.  The Hamas Charter itself states that the land belongs to Muslims, and nobody else, so it's quite clear that non-Jewish religious minorities will not be welcome.  The ongoing persecution & in some cases, annihilation of religious minorities in the majority of Islamic dominated nations currently stands as a living testament to this.  Even other lands that Islam once controlled, such as the Iberian Peninsula (Spain & Portugal) is believed to be theirs and they assert that one day Islam will once again regain control of it.  The reason being is that Jihadist decree asserts that once a piece of land has been taken over by Islam, it is to remain in the domain of Islam permanently.  For the time being, Israel is simply the main focal point, once its gone, the focus will change, most likely to Europe.  

So the assertion that the nation of Palestine was a peaceful nation that was invaded and taken over by foreign Jews is nothing more then a myth which serves as a propaganda weapon used against Israel.  The truth is that Jews were promised this land and the aftermath of the Holocaust coupled with centuries of persecution proved that they could not rely on other nations to protect them.  In the aftermath of the murderous Oct. 7th attack on Israel by Hamas, we have witnessed pro-Palestinian supporter attack Jews worldwide: besieging them in college libraries, attacking them at pro-Israel protests, and we even witnessed the storming the Dagestan airport by a Islamic mob seeking to kill Jews who were in a plane that had recently landed from Israel serves to reinforce the notion that the Jewish people still very much need a safe and secure nation of their own.  

The notion that this war is a war over a disputed piece of land is likewise a myth.  It's a religious war, not because Israel controls portions of the West Bank & maintains a blockades of Gaza.  Hatred & persecution of the Jewish people in the Islamic world has in truth existed from the time that the movement began to rise up in 7th century Arabia which stemmed form the Jewish people in the region Muhammad's claim to prophethood (Link to Video) and modern Israel has become the trigger, the focal point of that long-standing hate.  In the course of history, this hatred has manifested itself into numerous atrocities with Jihadist forces and Islamist mobs committing numerous massacres against Jewish communities.  For example, a massacre of Jews by Jihadist mobs in the city of Fez in Morocco in the year 1033 left over 6,000 Jews dead.  In 1066, Grenada Spain witnessed Jihadist mobs slaughtering another 4,000 Jews.  Such massacres continued for centuries into the modern day.  In 1929, Arab mobs slaughtered 67 Jews in Hebron.  In 1941, the Fahrud Pogrom in Baghdad (Fahrud means "The Day the Jews Left"), encouraged by Hitler's Mufti al-Husseini, witnessed the slaughter hundreds of Jews.  In his podcast, Brother Rachid himself confessed that he grew up in a society in which Jews were hated and it was taught everywhere (school, home, mosque) that the Jews were the main enemies of Islam, and he further attests that this mindset is typical in the majority Islamic communities all over the world.  This long-standing prejudicial history cannot be ignored because the reality is that Hamas propaganda is playing off this long-standing societal hatred and has managed to convince many in the Islamic world that this is a war between Jews and Muslims, and that this war will continue until the Jews are gone because it  was prophesized by Muhammad himself (Sahih Bukhari Volume 4 Book 52 Number 177).  In the minds of Hamas and their supporters worldwide, this is not a war to establish a two-state solution, but a war to carry out a Final Solution, a war to wipe the Jewish people off the face of the Earth.  


Bostom, Andrew G., ed.  The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims.  Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2005.

Brother Rachid.  "Who Does the Land Belong to Israel or Palestinians?"  Acts 17 Polemics.  Nov. 03, 2023.  30:16.  Accessed from

Brother Rachid "The Real Reason Muhammad Hated the Jews and Preached Genocide."  Acts 17 Polemics.  Nov. 01, 2023.  33:32.  Accessed from:

Gabriel, Mark.  Islam and the Jews: The Unfinished Battle.  Lake Mary, FL: Charisma Books, 2003.

Hamas Covenant.  The Avalon Project, 1988.  Accessed from

Katz, Samuel.  Battleground: Fact & Fantasy in Palestine.  New York: GRM Associates Inc., 2002.

Roth, Andrew.  "Mob Storms Dagestan Airport in Search of Jewish Passengers from Israel."  The Guardian.  Oct. 29, 2023.  Accessed from

Rubin, Barry and Wolfgang G. Schwanitz.  Nazis, Islamists, and the Making of the Modern Middle East.  


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