Hamas Cares Nothing for Their People

In his autobiography "Son of Hamas" Mosab Hassan Yousef wrote with great bitterness how Hamas had access to millions of dollars, but would not give it to help Palestinian families who lost relatives who fought for them and could no longer support themselves, nor would they help other Palestinians who suffered as a result of the ongoing conflict.  It was then that Mosab realized that the Hamas leadership cared nothing for the suffering of the Palestinians, and this has not changed.  

Hamas leaders today have access to billions of dollars, live in hotel suites, and own private jets while they abandon the people in Gaza to die in the crossfire of Hamas terrorists and the Israeli military.  Many of these leaders are in Qatar and other nations, far away from Gaza and show no care for the plight of the people (Link to Video).  This should not be considered surprising.  When Yasir Arafat died, he had nearly a billion dollars sitting in his Swiss bank accounts, money that could have easily be used to help improve the lives of the people.  Footage from Hamas videos show militants digging up waterpipes supplied by the EU to help improve the water filtration in Gaza and converting them into rocket launchers. 

Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh's Son Resides in Luxury in Qatar
while Children in Gaza Endure Dire Poverty

In a recent report released by CNN, journalists reported that freed hostages who were held inside of Hamas terror tunnels testified that the Hamas tunnels were well-stocked with food, water, medicine, and were even supplied with electrical power and air conditioning.  They even verified that Hamas had trained medical doctors and medical facilities within the tunnels to treat their wounded.  All of these things are exactly what the people of Gaza currently need so desperately, yet Hamas is hoarding all of these supplies for their militants (Link to Video).  These underground tunnels run for over 310 miles.  Now can you even begin to imagine how much better the people of Gaza would be if Hamas would have put all of this effort into building homes, businesses, & improving infrastructure?  However, as Mosab Hassan Yousef has repeatedly told us" Hamas Does not Care about the Lives of Palestinians."  They don't care if they suffer in the crossfires of war or from lack of supplies & employment, just as long as they can continue their Jihad against Israel.  

When carrying out this Jihad, the Hamas militants have no qualms about putting Gazan civilians in harms way.  As Israeli troops are marching into Gaza City, they are uncovering numerous rocket launchers, many of which are being hidden near Mosques, some are even found inside of boys clubs (Link to Video).  All of this clearly proves what Mosab Hassan Yousef has been telling us for years: Hamas cares nothing for the people of Gaza.  


Vincent, Isabel & Benjamin Weinthal.  "Hamas Leaders Worth Staggering $11 Billion Revel in Luxury-While Gaza's People Suffer."  Nov. 07, 2023.  Accessed from https://nypost.com/2023/11/07/news/hamas-leaders-worth-11bn-live-luxury-lives-in-qatar/.


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