Canadian Sheikh Preaches Hatred

For some time, Canadian Sheikh Younus Kathrada has been preaching hatred of non-Muslims.  In a speech caught on video in Dec. 30, 2022, Sheikh Kathrada declared that all non-Muslims are "The enemies of Allah.  So if they are the enemies of Allah, how are they your close friends?  I want our children to understand this well: The non-Muslims are the enemies of Allah, therefore they are your enemies."  He then stated "Oh Allah, give strength to Islam and the Muslims, humiliate the infidels and the polytheists, destroy the enemies of [our] religion, annihilate the heretics, and the atheists!"  

Sheikh Kathrada's hatred has not waned.  With the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, it has only grown louder then ever.  In a sermon on Nov. 24, 2023 Sheikh Kathrada decreed "Oh Allah, bring annihilation upon the plundering and criminal Jews."  He extended this curse by calling on Allah to destroy all enemies of Islam and to annihilate the heretics & atheists.  Sheikh Kathrada continued to spew his venom on Dec. 03, 2023, Sheikh Kathrada when he livestreamed a sermon entitled "Jihad and Martyrdom."  In his sermon, Sheikh Kathrada listed seven blessings received by a martyr who is killed while waging Jihad for Allah, including the infamous 72-virgins.  He praised the Mujahideen in Gaza, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, & Kashmir and concluded his sermon by asking Allah to grant victory to the Mujahideen worldwide, to liberated the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, and to annihilate the Jews.  

Sheikh Kathrada captures the essence of the mentality of a Jihadist.  They not only call for the annihilation of Jews, but for the annihilation of all "enemies of Allah" which include atheists, polytheists (Ex. Hindus), Christians, and "heretical Muslims."  These speeches should serve as a warning to us and to make us come to the realization that the real source of the Middle East conflicts is not Zionism or Israel, it's Jihad.  This speech clearly shows that even if Israel would vanish from the Earth, the Jihad would not end, it would continue until all of its "enemies" are gone.  It is a mentality that we in the West cannot compromise with.  


"Canadian Imam Sheikh Younas Kathrada: Isrrael Has The Right to Defend Herself?  Seriously?  Anyone With An Ounce of Logic Will See How Wrong That Is; Oh Allah, Bring Annihilation Upon the Plundering and Criminal Jews."  MEMRI.  Nov. 24, 2023.  Accessed from

"Canadian Imam Younus Kathrada: Non-Muslims Are Our Enemies-Our Children Must Understand This; May Allah Annihilate The Heretics And The Atheists."  MEMRI.  Dec. 30, 2022.  Accessed from

"Canadian Sheikh Younus Kathrada In Friday Sermon Titled 'Jihad and Martyrdom': 'Martyrs Receive 72 Virgins In Paradise, Nobody Has The Right To Mock This-We'll See Who Has The Last Laugh; May Allah Make Us Martyrs, Grant Victory To The Mujahideen, Curse the Jews."  MEMRI Dec. 01. 2023.  Accessed from


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