Hamas Shatters Lives of Israeli-Bedouin Family

Yosef & Hamah Alzayadni:
Currently Held Hostage in Gaza
The attack of Hamas on Oct. 7th 2023 claimed many innocent lives and shattered many Israeli families, one such family is the Alzayadni family.  The Alzavadni's are a family of Bedouin Arabs who lived in southern Israel near the Gaza border and had friendly relations with their Jewish neighbors.  On Oct. 7th, Hamas attacked without warning, and the Alzayadni family, like so many others, awoke to the terrible news that their loved ones had either been killed or kidnapped & taken into Gaza by Hamas.  On the morning of Oct. 7th, Israeli-Bedouin law student Bashir Alayzadni awoke to the terrible news that four of his relatives had been kidnapped & taken into Gaza.  On that morning, Bashir's uncle Yosef and three of his children were working at a dairy in the Kibbutzz Holit when Hamas attacked (Link to Video).  All four were taken away.  

Aisha & Bilah Alzayadni After Their Release
Presently, Yosef (Age 53) and his son Hamzah (Age 22) are still being  held hostage in Gaza.  According to Bashir Yosef suffers from diabetes and Hamah suffers from chronic migraines, but neither one of them are receiving the medication that they require.  Despite the family's hardships, they have not lost hope.  Two months after the attack, Hamas decided to release two members of the Alzayadni Family: Aisha & her brother Bilal during the ceasefire/hostage exchange period because they were both under the age of 18.  During their two months in captivity they were held in the underground tunnels with little food or water and no interaction with anyone else.  

Sadly, the family did not escape the massacre without loss.  On the day of the attack, Bashir's cousin Abed Al Rahman was vacationing at Zikim Beach with his wife, who happened to be Jewish.  Both of whom were murdered by Hamas during the attack.  Both Abed and his wife were very devoted to each other and firmly believed in coexistence.  Their deaths were a terrible tragedy.  Bashir, who lived in the town of Sderot near the Gaza Strip narrowly escaped the attack.  The only reason he didn't get caught in the fury of the Hamas invasion is that he was visiting his mother in Rahat on that day.  Presently, Bashir, along with over 200,000 other Israelis, have been evacuated out of Southern Israel to Tel Aviv in order to ensure that they are out of harms way during the ongoing war between the IDF & Hamas in Gaza.  

For all of the suffering that the Alzayadni's have endured, there is one bright spot that emerged from all of this.  Another relative, Yosef Alazyadni, who works as a bus driver, helped save many lives when Hamas attacked the Nova Music Festival.  On the morning of Oct. 7th Yosef took a group of young passengers to the music festival and planned to pick them up later that afternoon.  However, shortly after dropping them off Yosef received a frantic message at 6am that Hamas was attacking.  Without hesitation, Yosef drove back to the festival to rescue his passengers.  

Braving Hamas rockets and bullets, Yosef frantically drove, vowing to reach his passengers or die trying.  Despite the danger, Yosef successfully reached the Nova concert site and managed to pack 30 of the attendees into his 14-seat van and drove them to safety (Link to Article).  However, Hamas soon learned about Yosef's deed and located his profile and phone number on social media.  They then proceeded to call and threaten Yosef with death for daring to take it upon himself to safe people from their attack.  

Though the Hamas Charter clearly calls for the annihilation of the Jewish people, they also believe in killing Arabs like Yosef, regardless of whether or not they're Muslim.  In the minds of Hamas, Yosef and other Arabs like him are traitors, and as traitors they must meet the same fate as the Jewish people, which is death.  This is again derived from Islamic scriptures warns Muslims not to take Jews and Christians as friends:

Surah 5:51-"O you who believe, do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are friends to each other. Whoever takes them as friends is one of them. Surely, Allah does not take the unjust people to the right path."

Muslims who disobey this verse and go even further by risking their own lives to save Jews, Christians, and other non-Muslims from terrorist attacks, especially during what is viewed as a time of war, are in the eyes of Hamas, hypocrites, and according the the Qur'an, the fate of hypocrites is not a good one"

Surah 9:73- "O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them; and their abode is hell, and evil is the destination." 

For Hamas, this state of war with the Jews will not end until the Jews are wiped out, regardless of where they are in the world, because as their charter states (Link to Charter), and their Hadith confirms, they are required by Allah to fight the Jews until Judgement Day:

Hadith of Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 52, Number 177"Allah's Messenger said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him." 

As long as the Jihadists continue to follow these commands to the letter, other Muslim families who choose to view non-Muslims as fellow human beings and not "enemies of Allah" are going suffer at their hands just like the Alzayadni's have suffered.  


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