The Israel-Hamas War Through the Eyes of the BBC & IRGC

The ongoing war between Israel & Hamas in the Gaza Strip is serving to bring the mentalities of the BBC and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) to the public, and the are the mentalities of cluelessness for the BBC & Jihadist Dogma for the IRGC.  "The BBC has already sent the 7 October attack by Hamas on Israel to its dead archives, while the IRGC outlets keep mentioning it as 'the battle that ended the myth of Zionist invincibility.'" In truth, what happened on Oct. 7th was a coldly planned, carefully laid out ambush on unarmed people, many of whom were either sleeping in their homes or attending a nearby music festival, a fact that the BBC has chose to file away & for the IRGC to celebrate as a great triumph.  

The BBC, reflecting the attitude of many clueless Westerners, continually call for a ceasefire in the conflict and place all blame for the lack of a ceasefire on Israel's obstinacy.  Of course, they fail to state that a ceasefire could indeed come about if Hamas would stop shooting at Israel and agree to return the hostages that they took on Oct. 7th, but the BBC, like many, prefer to put all the blame on Israel.  The BBC feels that Israel is no longer in danger of Hamas attacks and if they stop fighting, Hamas will stop too.  They completely ignore the fact that Hamas has never stopped attacking no matter how much suffering was inflicted on both sides for the past 35 years.  When you follow the BBC reports you get the impression that the only victims of this war or Gaza civilians and that Israel is focused solely on bombing civilian centers.  They pay no head to the fact that Hamas deliberately sets up their attack sites in civilians centers and have no issue with hiding behind their own people.  You likewise don't see much footage of destroyed Israeli homes in Southern Israel nor do you see many images anymore of dead Israeli women and children being shown by the BBC.  The BBC, the word "Hamas" ins synonymous for "Palestine" and in their misinformed reporting, continually sustain the narrative of victimhood by Hamas and its apologists.

Now for the IRGC, their views more accurately reflect what this war is actually about: the Jihadist goal to enforce its dogma on the world.  The IRGC does not want a ceasefire, they want Hamas to keep waging Jihad against Israel and are encouraging their proxies in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, & Yemen to join in on this by not only supporting Israel, but by attacking other "Infidels," particularly those who are from the "Great Satan America."  This has thus led to attacks on U.S. bases across the Middle East and the targeting of foreign cargo ships in the Red Sea by Houthi militants.  The IRGC refer to what is happening in the Israel-Hamas War as "Resistance" and the want Hamas to keep "resisting" indefinitely, regardless of how much the people in Gaza must suffer.  All the while, they keep broadcasting that they're not only dealing blows to the "Zionist entity" but also their protector: "The Great Satan America."  

In the meantime, the Ayatollah's of Iran greet the deaths of so many people in Gaza with a mixture of "congratulations" (tabrikat) and "condolences" (tasliah).  "The Grand Ayatollah Makarem Sirazi assures everyone that the 'martyrs' in Gaza have the good fortune of going straight to Paradise."  This is a mentality embraced by many Jihadists, as attested by former terrorist Esther Ahmad.  Born to a devout Muslim family in Pakistan, Esther Ahmad joined a terrorist organization and volunteered to serve as a suicide bomber.  However, as the day for her to leave for training camp approached, she began to have second thoughts.  She approached the terrorist recruiter and asked what would happen if she blew herself up and accidentally killed innocent Muslims in the blast.  Her recruiter assured her that they too would be considered Martyrs and would go to Paradise.  
What is most interesting though is that the IRGC leaders themselves have no real interest in choosing this route to "Paradise."  "IRGC Quds Force chief Major-General Ismail Qa'ani  put it succinctly: 'We give our Arab brothers who join the Resistance Front everything they want, including arms and training. But we shall not fight on their behalf.'"  So basically, the glory of martyrdom is not for the IRGC, but for their proxies that die on their behalf.  

Thus in short, the IRGC openly broadcasts that this conflict is not about a land dispute or about the sanctity of human life, but it's about Jihadist dogma, and that the war must go on until that dogma holds sway over the entire globe, but the BBC is willingly blind to this reality and simply deludes itself into thinking that Israel only has to stop fighting and grant more concessions, and then the conflict will be over, despite the reality that all of the facts show us that Jihadists will never be appeased.  


Ahmad, Esther and Craig Borlase.  Defying Jihad.  Carol Stream IL: Tyndale Publishers, 2019.

Taheri, Amir.  "One War and Two Visions."  Gatestone Institute."  Jan. 14, 2024.  Accessed from  


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