The Dark Secrets of the Porn Industry

In the Western World, pornography has almost become a staple in our society.  Newsstands everywhere sell porno magazines while the internet is filled with pornographic sites.  For the consumers, viewing pornography is simply seen as a harmless way to satisfy one's lust.  However, the reality is that there is much darkness simmering beneath the surface of the world of pornography.  The unpleasant truth is that pornography is simply legalized prostitution.  

On the streets, prostitution is a dangerous and unhealthy practice.  The prostitutes who sell their bodies for money often suffer physical and mental traumas from engaging in this practice.  Many who engage in prostitution end up becoming diseased, others fall into drug addiction, and tragically, some do not survive, and the same is true for those who end up in the porn industry.  In today's world, adult film entertainment has not only become accepted by the mainstream, but is even being promoted by some as a form of "female empowerment."  The porn industry is pushing many to simply view sex as "another physical act" and they entice women, as well as men, by promising them monetary payments as well as exposure to the public that could open doors to possible acting careers.  However, the reality is that all of this is a lie.  

The industry of pornography/adult film entertainment often attracts individuals who are already suffering from mental traumas, traumas that only tend to increase when they immerse themselves into the world of pornographic filmmaking.  Many who make the decision to quit the porn industry carry a lot of trauma and regret.  A lot of the women who end up in the industry end up feeling humiliated, de-humanized, and remorseful.  A large number of those who entered the porn industry admitted it was a terrible mistake and they're urging other youth not to make that some mistake.  For some though, the trauma was so much that they could not live with it (Link to Video).  

Five Porn Stars Who Died Within a Three-Month Time Period: 
Olivia Lua, Olivia Nova, August Ames, Turi Luv, and Shyla Stylez

The rise of premature deaths in the adult film industry has been rising at a very disturbing rate.  Many porn stars ultimately fall into the trap of drug addiction, leading to fatal overdoses while others have committed suicide.  These porn stars gradually feel that they are no longer seen as people of value, leading them to seek unhealthy coping mechanisms, which ultimately leads many to fall into the trap of addition and suicide due to the depression and other traumas that came out from living the life of an adult film actor/actress.  They hate what they had become, hate that they had reduced themselves to selling their bodies for money, and they did not know how to cope with it.  They did not know how to get out of the life or to confront the demons that overcame them.  Some tried drugs to cope with this whereas others simply gave up hope and took their own lives.  

The truth of the porn industry needs to be told, too many are deceived into thinking that it's simply harmless videos and nothing more.  It is an industry that preys on the weak, dehumanizes them, and leads many to self destruction.  Moreover, it leads people to see porn stars not as human beings who have been led astray, but simply as objects of entertainment, which ultimately destroys their sense of self worth.  Instead of viewing these people for shallow pleasure, we should instead be seeking to reach out, to urge them to turn from this life to self-destruction, to show to them that they are not simply objects, but human beings, and that help is out there.  It's never too late for someone to change their lifestyle (Link to Video).  However, if we are truly to help them in this, we have to start pushing our society to change how we see the porn industry.  We must not simply accept it as a part of our society, and we most certainly should not see it as a form of empowerment.  We need to start telling the truth about what it is: it's self destruction.  It destroys all sense of self-worth.  The practice must be condemned, while the people who have fallen into the practice must be embraced, comforted, and guided away from it.  


Miles, Frank.  "5 Young Female Porn Stars Dead in Three Months: What is Behind the Recent Spate of Deaths?"  Fox News.  Jan. 22, 2018.  Accessed from


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