1400 Years of Christian Persecution in Egypt

The Islamization/Arabization of Egypt began with the conquest of the region by the Islamic Caliphate in the 7th century.  Prior to the Islamic Conquest, Copt simply referred to one as "Egyptian."  Now is stands for any Egyptian who has not accepted the Islamic faith.  Over the centuries various Islamic powers ruled the region: the Arabs, then the Circassians, followed by the Ottomans.  Throughout those centuries churches were destroyed, books burned, Christian leaders imprisoned, and the Christian populace reduced to a permanent undercast, resulting in the Coptic Christians being reduced to a mere 10% of the population.  

Tragically, this ongoing persecution has not stopped.  If anything, it has increased.  As it stands, their currently churches are continually subjected to mob attacks & Jihadist bombings while it is next to impossible for the community to gain permission from the Egyptian government to build new churches.  Coptic Christian women are also frequently targeted for kidnapping, rape, & forced conversion to Islam.  In Egypt Coptic Christians, much like Pakistani Christians, run the risk of being imprisoned for blasphemy if they every say anything that is considered "offensive" to the Islamic faith.  

The anti-Christian pogrom that broke out on April 23rd against the Coptic Christian community in the village of Al-Fawakher was only the latest the 1400-year campaign by Islamists to wipe out Christianity in Egypt.  The pogrom was instigated simply over the rumor that a home that had been serving as a house church for the 3,000 Christians in the village might be converted into an actual church to serve the community.  It shows just how deep anti-Christian prejudice exists in this nation as it only takes rumors of a church being built for the Islamists to unleash the mobs against the Christian community.  

Three days after this pogrom protests erupted over the legal construction of a church in the village of Al-Kom Al Almar with some of the protestors throwing stones through the homes of the Coptic Christians.  These protests stem from the dogma of Islamic conquests which state that once a region falls under the domain of Islam, no new churches can be built.  If any attempt is made, the conquered Christians lose their protection and are subjected to attack.  

Presently, Open Doors ranks Egypt as #38 of the nations where it is considered most dangerous to be a Christian, and things show no signs of getting any better.  


Barillas, Martin.  "Arsonists Burn Down Homes of Egypt's Beleaguered Christians."  Catholic News Agency.  April 24th, 2024.  Accessed from https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/257489/arsonists-burn-down-homes-of-egypt-s-beleaguered-christians.

Bulut, Uzuy.  "Egypt: 1400 Years of Christian Persecution.  Coptic Solidarity.  May 23, 2024.  Accessed from https://www.copticsolidarity.org/2024/05/23/egypt-1400-years-of-christian-persecution/?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=6e01c45e-f424-40e3-91c8-af44f7460772.  

Ibrahim, Raymond.  Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians.  Washington D.C.: Regency Publishing Company, 2013.


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