Yasser Arafat never intended to make Peace

When the Camp David Accord ended in failure, Khaled Abu Toameh, an Israeli-Arab journalist for the Jerusalem Post asked Yasser Arafat why it failed. Arafat stated that it failed for two reasons:

Reason #1-"First of all the Jews did not give me 100% of what I wanted."

Reason #2-"The Jews wanted me to end the conflict after I get what I want. I can not do this because if I make peace, I will end up drinking tea up there with Anwar Sadat (The former Egyptian President who was assassinated for signing a peace treaty with Israel)."

Khaled Abu Toameh states that any peace agreement that is signed will not be worth the paper it is written on because dictators don't believe in lasting peace.

Yet people still wonder why the peace has not been reached.

Link to Video Testimony


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