CAIR: The Muslim Brotherhood in America

The Council of American Islamic Relations, or CAIR claims to be a Civil Rights organization that fights for the equal rights of Muslims here in the United States.  Facts have shown that they are in fact, something much more sinister.  In 1998, CAIR founder Omar Ahmed publicly stated that Islam is not in America to be equal, but to dominate.  The reason he said this is because in truth, CAIR is a front organization for the Muslim Brotherhood, a radical Islamist organization with ties to terrorism throughout the Middle East.  

Muslim Brotherhood documents dated in 1991 that were found years later by the FBI illustrated that they are engaging in a "Civilization Jihad" to bring down American from within and gradually ensure the implementation of Sharia Law on the United States.  In the U.S., the Muslim Brotherhood hides behind CAIR in order to wage this "cultural jihad” on our society.  Leftist organizations like the ACLU foolishly assist CAIR in their campaign.  For instance, the two organizations have partnered in the past to sue businesses that serve food that fails to meet Islamic dietary laws.  Even peaceful Muslims like Stephen Schwartz, a convert to Sufi Islam, confesses that CAIR is not a human rights organization, but exists for the sole purpose of spreading Sharia Law in the U.S.  

CAIR claims to be an equal right organization for Muslims, yet they do not push for the equal rights of women under Islam.  Not only do they not speak for women's rights, but they actively try to silence those who fight for the justice of women who are oppressed under Islamic Sharia.  For instance, CAIR has not only refused to officially condemn "honor killings" of women, it actually sought to prevent the showing of the documentary film "Honor Diaries" on college campuses.  This powerful documentary accurately illustrated the suffering of Muslim women under Sharia, yet CAIR called the film "Islamophobic" and demanded that it not be shown.  CAIR takes advantage of our “political correctness” to suppress any honest criticism of the teachings of Islam.  CAIR works to smear numerous activists, Muslim and non-Muslim alike as being hateful bigots if they critique the teachings of Islam.  Some members of CAIR have even taken it upon themselves to contact and threaten anti-Sharia activists like Wafa Sultan.  

CAIR is not only the political weapon of the Muslim Brotherhood in America, they are in direct connections with a number of violent terrorist organizations all over the world.  High ranking CAIR member Nihad Awad openly voices his support of the terrorist group Hamas.  Which is not surprising as Hamas is a direct offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.  In fact, Hamas defector Mosab Hassan Yousef revealed in an interview that Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood are one in the same.   CAIR communications director Ibrahim Hooper openly supports Saudi financial aid for the families of suicide bombers.  In fact, several leading members of CAIR now sit in prison for terrorist charges.  In the best-known example of CAIR's collusion with terrorists, The Holy Land Trial passed guilty verdicts on 108 Muslims for raising funds for terrorist organizations in the Middle East.  Many of those convicted were top members of Islamic organizations like CAIR.  Instead of condemning the actions of these Jihadist supporters, CAIR condemns U.S. Gov. for closing Islamic charity groups that are linked to terrorism& stopping charities that support terrorism, and they oppose all counter-terrorism activities by our law enforcement agencies.   CAIR not only fails to criticize Muslims found guilty of supporting Jihadist terrorism, but they actually condemn peaceful Muslims like Kamal Mawesh who openly condemn Terrorism and call for Islam to reform.   

It is time for the public to know the truth.  CAIR is not an equal rights organization, it is an Islamic Supremacist hate organization that supports terrorism.  Its activities are completely subversive to the laws of our nation, and it must be declared a hate group.  


Babbin, Jed and Herbert London.  The BDS War Against Israel.  New York: The London Center For Policy Research, 2014.

Beck, Glenn.  It is About Islam: Exposing the Truth about ISIS, Al Qaeda, Iran, and the Caliphate.  New York: Threshold Editions, 2015.

Bridgitte Gabriel Reads the Muslim Brotherhood Plan for America."  YouTube Video, 4:22.  Posted by Prophecy in the News.  Sept. 06, 2016.  Accessed from

"CAIR Reacts to Megyn Kelly's Epic Smackdown."  YouTube Video, 6:00.  Posted by Acts 17 Apologetics.  April 03, 2014 from

Darwish, Nonie.  Now They Call Me Infidel: Why I Renounced Jihad for America, Israel, and the War on Terror.  New York: Penguin Group, 2006.

Gabriel, Brigitte.  Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America.  New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2006.

Gabriel, Brigitte.  They Must be Stopped.  New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2006.

Geller, Pamela.  Fatwa: Hunted in America.  Miami: Dangerous Books, 2017.  

King, Jeff.  Islam Uncensored.  Washington D.C.: International Christian Concern, 2011.


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