Mina's Flight from Iran

Mina Nevisa was born to a devout and wealthy family in Iran.  Though devout followers of their faith, Mina had everything one could want.  A family who loved her, respect among the community, plenty of money, a good education, everything that many in the world can only dream of having.  Yet Mina soon realized that there was a problem.  She was never allowed to question her faith.  One day she asked her father a some simple questions: Why does the Salat (Islamic Prayer) have to be said in Arabic and not my native language of Farsi?  Can’t Allah understand the other languages of the world?  Why must it be said at specific times?  Doesn't he always hear us no matter what time we pray?

Her father flew into a rage and stated that the faith was never to be questioned, only obeyed with complete submission.  Nevertheless, as time went on, Mina continued to ask questions, and she did not find the answers in Islam.  It was only after she inadvertently discovered a Bible and began attending a house church run by Pastor Hossein Soodmand (He was executed by the Iranian Regime in 1990), that she finally found answers and accepted Christ.  Unfortunately, under Islamic Sharia Law, which runs the nation of Iran, leaving Islam is a death sentence.  Even if the State does not carry out the execution, one's community members, or even members of their own family, may the Law into their own hands and carry out the execution.  

Eventually, the House Church was infiltrated and many of its members were sent to Evin Prison, or executed.  Knowing it was only a matter of time before she too was discovered.  So, Mina, along with her husband (also a convert to Christianity), decided to embark on a perilous trek to flee the country.  In truth they had little choice.  They only had their options: renounce their faith before an Islamic Council, leave, or die.  So they embarked on a perilous trek to Turkey, a trek that almost cost them their lives, and ultimately led to the death of Mina's unborn child.  Despite her suffering, Mina chose to forgive the regime for what they did to her and her friends.  They eventually went to Europe and settled in the Netherlands, where they provided aid to Muslim refugees living there and helped reach out the them with the Gospel of Christ.  Many became believers, but ever in the Netherlands they were not safe.  One night, Mina was abducted by radicals, taken to an abandoned home, and severely beaten.  They planned to kill her as an example, but one of her abductors changed his mind at the last minute and decided to to let her go.  Once again, Mina and her husband fled.  This time to America.  Upon arriving, Mina and her Husband started the organization Touch of Christ Ministries where they seek to reach out to Muslims with the Truth about God both here in America, and abroad in the Middle East.  Through their efforts, many have come to know Christ.  

Mina's book Miracle of Miracles details her persecution, flight to safety, and her efforts to tell the truth about God, and the truth about the dangers that Islamic teachings pose to Muslims and non-Muslims alike.  Read her book.  It is very powerful.  

Touch of Christ Ministries


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