Saudi Cleric: "It is Forbidden for women to Criticize Polygamy."

Saudi Cleric Abdullah al-Mutlaq publicly stated that Polygamy is the most effective way to solve the problem of too many single women in Saudi Arabia. His supporters believe a man should be entitled to three wives, & if this works out, he should be granted one more, others even going as far to say that this is practice is necessary because women expire, unlike men.  Abdullah al-Mutlaq feels that women should have no say on this matter, that it is Haram (Unacceptable to Islam) for women to oppose Polygamy.  

This kind of view sets a dangerous precedent as in the past activists for women's rights in the Middle East have been targeted for assassination for opposing radicals.  Thankfully, some activists have chosen to speak out.  Liberal Saudi female journalist Samar al-Muqrin openly voiced her disagreement with Polygamy, stating that marriage must be about a lifelong commitment of love between two people.  Saudi Columnist Salma al-Qusheiri also openly opposes Polygamy, stating that it treats women like cheap furniture.  

The debate for and against Polygamy continues throughout Saudi Arabia.  Only time can tell us which side will ultimately prevail.  


Nabbout, Mariam.  "Saudi Cleric says it's Haram for Women to be Angered by Polygamy."  StepFeed.  October, 05, 2018.  Accessed from

"Saudi Imam Encourages Polygamy as 'Women Expire, Unlike Men.'"  The New Arab.  August 31, 2017.  Accessed form

"Saudi University Lecturer: The Solution to the Problem of Single Women in Saudi Arabia is Polygamy-Three Wives per Man, and if that Works Out, He Gets One More."  MEMRI.  August 10, 2017.  Accessed from


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