The Rape of Farha Tariq

On Sept. 10, 2018, 14-year old Pakistani Christian Farha Tariq was abducted and gang-raped by a group of Muslim men.  A resident of the city of Burewala in the Punjab District of Pakistan, Fariq became yet another victim of of the ongoing rape epidemic in Pakistan.  Throughout the country, minority women are targeted for rape and sexual assault by Pakistani Muslims as they live in a society where such atrocities are either encouraged, or ignored.  

Many instances of rape are not reported to the authorities as the Pakistani Muslims often threaten the victim's families with retribution if they dare to seek justice.  Unfortunately, even when families find the courage to come forward, the rapists often go unpunished.  Pakistani Christians are a poor underclass that is subject to state-sanctioned discrimination which gives the police force little incentive to bring their tormentors to justice.  On the rare instances when police officers do decide to take action, they are often bought off by the rapists or their families.

Unless the International Community starts putting pressure on the Pakistani government, there is little hope that this this rape epidemic against Christians will end anytime soon.  

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