Political Prisoners in the "Palestinian Territories"

While the  world continues to obsess with Israel's "Crimes against Humanity," they continually ignore the numerous human rights violations being community by Palestinian Leaders.  Most of those who are detained are done so simply because they are critical of the leadership of the Palestinian Authority.  Many of their relatives have been appealing for their release, some have even staged hunger strikes in protest.  

Some of the detainees belong to other terrorist groups like Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad who are currently at odds with the Palestinian Authority, while others are simply human rights activists who are tired of the Palestinian Authority's ongoing corruption and human rights abuses.  Many of those detained are subject to various forms of torture, but in spite of the ongoing protests, it is unlikely that the UN will take any action.  Take, for example, the UN Human Rights Council, which in the last 12 years passed 76 (out of 311) resolutions dealing with Israel. Only 27 resolutions dealt with Syria, 20 with Myanmar, and 18 with Sudan. Other countries received even less attention. Iran, for example, has only been censured eight times.

However, the truth is inescapable.  If the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, or any other Palestinian terror group obtains control of the region, it will not bring about freedom for anybody.  It will just be another totalitarian dictatorship, one of the many that already exist in the Middle East.  

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