Rashida Tlaib & The Holocaust

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib came under fire recently when she made the statement that the "Palestinians created a haven for Jews after the Holocaust."  Many analysts and politicians are criticizing Tlaib's "Revisionist History."  Polish Holocaust Survivor Alter Wiener testified in his memoir From a Name to a Number that after the Second World War ended, the Jewish communities of the region were constantly being attacked by armed bands of Arabs.  When Israel officially declared their independence in 1948, all-out war erupted.  The Arabs rejected the UN Partition Plan and ordered an all out attack on the Jewish State.   Azzam Pasha, the Secretary of the Arab League declared, "This will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades."  

It was cruel that the Polish Jews who survived the Holocaust were told by Polish mobs to "Go to Palestine" only to be met by armed Arabs telling them to "Get out."  Even after the war, peace remained elusive.  In the 1950's Israel was a tiny nation of 2 million that was surrounded by Five hostile Arab Nations whose population was nearly 100 million.  On more than one occasion these nations have united and tried to annihilate the state outright.  Now they've simply altered their tactics, deciding to use terrorism and the battle of propaganda to win the war.  

Alter Wiener also confessed that during and after the war, Israel became a have for the hundreds of thousands of Jews who were being forced out of the Arab nations.  Some of those Jewish communities had existed in those nations since before the time of Christ.  Now they're extinct.  In truth, it was the Israeli nation that became a place of refuge for the hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees from both Europe and the Arab world, and it was the Palestinian Arab leadership who tried to prevent this from happening.  The Palestinians did not create a safe haven for Jews, they instead tried to destroy that Haven.  

History proves that Alter Wiener is right, and that Rashida Tlaib is not.  Former Senator Joe Lieberman confessed that he never heard anybody make a statement that even remotely supports what Rashida Tlaib said.  Even prior to the war, Arab mobs under the orders of the infamous Haj Amin al Husseini repeatedly attacked Jews throughout the region.  They drove out the Jewish Community of Hebron in 1929 and during the Arab Revolt of 1936-39, killed over 1,000 Jews and Arab sympathizers.  

The British tried to appease the Arab leaders by passing the infamous "White Paper," which all but ended Jewish immigration to the region, but the Arabs still rejected it, they wanted all the Jewish immigrants out, and this was at the same time that the "Gates of Hell" were closing around Europe.  During the War, Husseini and his cohorts continued their campaign of genocide, organizing pogroms against Jews in Baghdad in 1941 and forming the Handschar Division in Bosnia (The Bosnian SS), which killed over 12,000 Jews as well as thousands of Serbs and Gypsies.   Even the horrors of the Holocaust could not soften the hearts of the Arab leadership.  In fact, many Arab leaders worked alongside thousands of escaped Nazi War Criminals in order to continue the "Final Solution" by destroying Israel.

Rashida Tlaib likewise ignores that fact that numerous Arabs, including former Syrian Prime Minister Khalid al-Azm, confess that it was the Arab Leaders who urged the Arabs with the British Mandate of Palestine to leave their homes so their forces could drive the Jews out.  Khalid al-Azm and former PLO terrorist Tass Saada both confessed that it was the Arab leadership who created the Palestinian Refugees, not the Israeli armed forces.  The only thing that I can conclude from Rashida Tlaib's statement is that she is either completely ignorant about the history of the Holocaust, or she's just a liar.  


Creitz, Charles.  "Rahsida Tlaib Must Explain her Holocaust Comment, 'Would be Better off if She Stayed Away from these Subjects:' Joe Lieberman."  Fox News.  May 13, 2019.  Accessed from

Darwish, Nonie.  Now They Call Me Infidel: Why I Renounced Jihad for America, Israel, and the War on Terror.  New York: Penguin Group, 2006.

Dershowitz, Alan.  The Case for Israel.  Hoboken, NJ: John Riley & Sons Inc., 2003.

Glick Caroline.  The Israeli Solution.  New York: Crown Forum, 2014.

Gold, Dore.  The Fight for Jerusalem.  Washington D.C.: Regnery Publishing Inc., 2007.

Katz, Samuel.  Battleground: Fact & Fantasy in Palestine.  New York: GRM Associates Inc., 2002.

Rubin, Barry and Wolfgang G. Schwanitz.  Nazis, Islamists, and the Making of the Modern Middle East.  London: Yale University Press, 2014.

Saada, Tass and Dean Merrill.  Once an Arafat Man.  Clarksville, Tennessee: Riggins International Rights Service, Inc., 2008.

Schwartz, Ian.  "Rashida Tlaib 'Revises History,' Says Palestinians Helped Create Haven for Jews After the Holocaust."  CNN.  May 13, 2019.  Accessed from 

Wiener, Alter.  From a Name to a Number."  Bloomington, IN.  Authorhouse, 2008.


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