The Benghazi-Iran Debacle

Many are familiar with the terrorist attack on Benghazi which killed the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stephens, but many are not as familiar with what the Obama Administration was doing before this attack.  Prior to this terrorist attack, the Obama Administration had secretly been sending arms to Libya for the primary purpose that the weapons would be used by Syrian rebels against Assad and aid rebels against Gaddafi as well.  However, the Libyan rebels we supported against Gaddafi in Libya were linked to al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood.  This destabilized the whole region, devastated the economy, and allowed the empowering of terrorists in the region.  Various news sources such as the New York Times revealed that many weapons sent over fell into the hands of Jihadists in the region.  

The policy in Libya proved to be a disaster, and Obama's policy in Syria proved to be equally self-defeating.  The arms sent from the U.S., to Benghazi, to Syria, were given to rebels who were strongly linked to the Salafist movement in the region.  The Salafists movement is directly linked to numerous terrorist groups in the region, groups that include al-Qaeda of Iraq, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Jabhat al-Nursa (al-Qaeda of Syria).  The Obama Administration wanted to arm the Sunni rebels (the administration either ignored over overlooked the rebels links to the terrorist groups) for to purpose of stopping the Shia expansion which was supported by Iran.  Yet for reasons I cannot fathom, Obama willingly ended sanctions on Iran and sent huge amounts of funds to the nation, funds that Iran will unquestioningly use in expand its sphere of influence in Syria and elsewhere.  So in the end, Obama ended sanctions on Iran and allowed them to gain more funds which they will undeniably use to provide more arms to Asad to fight the Sunni rebels that are linked to numerous terrorist organizations that Obama sent arms to in order to curb Iran's sphere of influence in the region.  To say that this policy was self defeating would be a gross understatement.  


Haney, Philip and Art Moore.  See Something, Say Nothing.  A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government's Submission to Jihad.  Washington DC: WND  Books, 2016.  

Labbot, Elise and Tom Kludt.  "Administration Confirms two more Payments to Iran, Totaling 1.3 Billion."  CNN.  September 08, 2016.  Accessed from

Risen, James, Mark Mazzetti, and Michael S. Schmidt.  "U.S.-Approved Arms for Libya Rebels Fell into Jihadists Hands."  New York Times.  Dec. 05, 2012.  Accessed May 21, 2019 from  


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