Evil sees Appeasement as Weakness, not Compassion

In the 1930's the world deceived themselves into believing that Hitler's ambitions could be appeased.  British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain naively believed that if he allowed Hitler to obtain enough land, he would relent in his ambitions and peace would follow.  He was wrong.  With every concession the European powers made Hitler came back with more threats and more demands.  By the time the world finally realized that this man could not be appeased, it was too late.  Has the world learned from this mistake?  The answer is no.  Former Prime Minister warned that "Appeasement is Feeding the Crocodile Hoping it will Eat You Last."  Yet the world still feeds them.  

After Israel's victory in the 6-Day War in June of 1967, Arab national leaders proclaimed their policy toward the nation of Israel at the 1967 Khartoum Summit as follows: “No peace, no negotiations, no recognition”.  The numerous terrorist organizations in the region have echoed this sentiment, with Article 13 of the Hamas Charter stating: "There is no Solution for the Palestinian Question except through Jihad."  The leaders of the Palestinian Authority have likewise displayed a lack of willingness for peace.  Though PA leaders say that they want peace, it's not uncommon for Arab leaders to say one thing and mean another.  Yasir Arafat for instance proclaimed to Arab leaders that the Oslo Accord as simply another "Treaty of Hadaybiyya," a 10-year peace treaty that Muhammad signed with the city of Mecca only to break it two years later., and he said this less than one year after signing the accord.  Over the years, Arafat continued down this path, even going as far to not only reject the 2000 Camp David Accord's, but he refused to even make a counter-offer and ordered the launching of the 2nd Intifada.  Arafat’s decision reflects his steadfast commitment to drive all the Jews out of Jerusalem even if it took 100 years.  Ever since Oslo, the PA has received $30 billion to establish a state in the West Bank in Gaza.  This is equivalent to 15 Marshall Plans.  Unfortunately, this aid is not going to the people who live in squalor in the refugee camps, but is instead being used to fund terrorist attacks against the nation of Israel, because neither the PA nor Hamas have any interest in making peace nor building a state.  Their only interest is Israel's annihilation.  Why won't they make peace despite so many offers?  The answer is simple: Evil cannot be appeased.  

After the Taliban was ousted from Afghanistan, the insurgents began to take over Swat Valley in Pakitan, launching an ongoing wave of bombings and shootings throughout the region.  To end the bloodshed, the Pakistani government agreed to a peace treaty which would allow Sharia Law to be implemented in the region under Taliban control in exchange for a ceasefire.  The government, and much of the populace, deceived themselves into believing that Taliban control in Swat Valley would be different than when the Taliban controlled Afghanistan.  Not only were they wrong about this, they were wrong when they believed that the Taliban would lay down their arms.  The day that the ceasefire was signed, Taliban leader Sufi Mohammad publicly denounced the Pakistani government.  He did not order the Taliban to lay down their arms and vowed that they would march on the capital city of Islamabad.  The peace deal was just a mirage.  The Taliban became state-sanctioned terrorists and things only got worse, because Evil cannot be appeased.  


“Hamas Covenant 1988: The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement.”  Yale Law School.  2008.    Accessed September 20, 2016 from http://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp.

Gold, Dore.  The Fight for Jerusalem.  Washington D.C.: Regnery Publishing Inc., 2007.

Katz, Samuel.  Battleground: Fact & Fantasy in Palestine.  New York: GRM Associates Inc., 2002.

Yousafzai, Malala and Christina Lamb.  I Am Malala.   New York: Little, Brown, and Company, 2013.

Yousef, Mosab Hassan.  Son of Hamas.  Chicago: Tyndale House Publisher, 2010.


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