Bible verses Banned from Military Dog Tags.

For many years the U.S. company "Shields of Strength" has made thousands of dog tags with Biblical verses on them for United States soldiers.  On many occasions, the company had made these tags free of charge for our fighting men and women.  Now however, the organization called the Military Religious Freedom Foundation has pressured the Pentagon to order the company to stop making these dog tags.

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation claims that manufacturing this style of dog tag for the United States military is a a violation of the U.S. Constitution.  Apparently, this organization doesn't understand that "Freedom of Religion" is a fundamental part of the United States Constitution.  In fact, it's the cornerstone of our First Amendment Rights.  Throughout the course of history, people fled to our nation to escape religious persecution, now it's under threat right here in our own nation that has long championed for the cause of "Freedom & Liberty."  This action is not only an attack on the First Amendment, it is a slap in the face to ever American soldier who has put their lives on the line to defend this very right that our nation professes to uphold.  

This atrocity is a direct attack on religious liberty and it cannot be allowed to stand.  It is for this reason that I ask that you click the following Link and sign this petition and demand this ruling be overturned immediately.  We cannot stand silent in the face of this tyranny: LINK TO PETITION


Link to Article


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